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Everything posted by Bigdane

  1. Good to hear about the new job. I wish you all the best
  2. Congratulation whit you aprovel and welcome to the office.
  3. The Nordic Garrison including me wil attend the same event in Denmark
  4. Thangs alot "it will be longe Day rememberet it has seen the end off kanobi and TD 10252 Getting SWAT" thangs to all involved
  5. Clothe choice depends on how long you let the baselayer to dry. I left it 1-2 min. and used a dry cloth.
  6. It looks good m8. Remember to visualyse were natual dirt would sit High and lows on your armor, the chins is my opinion a bit more dirty then the rest of the armor, another thing to consider is if you will try to go fore swat you need to copy the chosen screen trooper. Hope it helps, keep up the great work
  7. 501 st. Nordic Garrison including me. has just finnished a hospital toop, and what a SUPER experience, even fore the "old" troppers it was trip down memory lane, and reminded us all on why we do what we do. i will not post pictures from the troop in respekt fore the kids and ther parrents. i just wanted to say if you ewer get the chance TAKE IT you wount regret it peace out....
  8. Greetings benni welcome to the most awsome forum you ever encounter.
  9. Happy new year.... To all MEPD members. And a speciel thought fore my friend Rolf.
  10. Ty. fore the headsup. I aprisiate your reply, and now i understand the situation mutch better. Merry Christmas to all my MEPD brother and sisters
  11. it was great funn the birthday kid got a diploma and a TK bucked from us. At one point i thought we were at a bieber concert whole School went nuts screeming and talking to get oure attention.
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