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Everything posted by spoox

  1. Thanks guys! So far so good I am excited how it is turning out!
  2. Slowly dirtying up my stuff yay I decided not to go too dark. I just don't like that for some reason. I love the dusty / faded type look which is what I am aiming for.
  3. Ahhh I am a sis! lol and thanks
  4. I did some weathering testing on my old calf and after a few tries with colors I think this is what I am going for.. I mixed grey with a wee bit of tan. I think it fits since I am in Alaska lol
  5. Those are some awesome pictures guys!
  6. Looking awesome! I am still working on mine
  7. whoa! Gorgeous! I love the weathering especially but the overall look is amazing! luv it luv it luv it
  8. I got some more stuff done I gave most of my armor a satin white respray and it's looking nice! I still need to give a few parts a return edge and hat to wait for my heat sealing iron to come in. I trimmed my FX ab plate because I hate the bottom curve so I need to rework the edge on that, I also made my hand plates smaller and want to give the shoulder bells a small return edge. Once that is done I can spray those and the fun of weathering can begin!! I also sprayed my back pack parts! woohoo! So I can start assembling my pack now too Ab FX TK plate with new modifications to TD done: Dirty Boy's back pack kit sprayed and ready to get assembled: I decided to go with the Slate blue and not the krylon peekaboo
  9. I purchased me a Krylon fusion Satin Peekaboo blue today. I really like working with fusion and this color seems close to some of the ones you guys posted here so I might give it a go. What do you all think?
  10. sweet! I'm learning a lot here :)It looks great!
  11. A little more progress yay! I ordered me 2 of these today... To be attached to one of these puppies that is being shipped to me Things are slowly coming together! woohoo!!
  12. Looks exciting! Can't wait how it turns out
  13. What are you doing today to celebrate this special day? I am probably be working on my suit haha
  14. A little more progress yay I cut out the oval detail in the ab area and sanded it smooth: I also sanded the buttons and gave them a more rounded look: Glued an ABS backing behind the oval cutout: Glued the strip with the 3 buttons on: Then used paint able caulk to close the cut lines so it all looks more like one solid pull: This will look pretty much like a TD ab plate after I re-paint it no?
  15. Looking cool already!! I will be watching this so I know what to do when I get my kit haha.
  16. I have to take my dremel tool to the magnets haha. The biceps still need adjusting though. I am a girl... woman I should say (hear me RoaR! lol) I havent done anything yet about the return edge and they are still as they are from the maker. I don't think I keep them as big as they are now lol.
  17. Working the abs.... I cut out the TK ab detail so I can modify it. On the square ab plate part I still need to do the small cut out so that is not done yet. I probably get to that this weekend or so. Made a mock up in paper to see how big a piece of ABS I need to glue behind it: Cut out a small ABS strip to glue over the old button strip: I am thinking about glueing these magnetic buttons as replacement buttons and paint them white. Those would look decent no?: And my new biceps drying.. That's what I got so far! Oh yeah! and my paint waiting to get used once ready! I'm excited!
  18. Hi everyone! I have been working on my suit for a while already off and on so I figure maybe it is time to post some progress pictures It is always good to have some comments and suggestions along the way as I go from the more experienced brothers and sisters in the dirt haha. Anyway, here is where I am so far from start to beginning in pictures and comments by moi :luv: So here is me as squeaky clean stormy in my FX and MRCE bucket: That has to change to an officially approved 501st TD lol So first thing to change is the helmet! I traded a CAP helmet long time ago but the paint was coming off. It looked gorgeous though and I wanted it as my TD helmet so after some awesome advice from here it went from this: To This: Then I got me the new sniper plate : And since I am born in the Netherlands.. and orange pauldron lol: Some pouches: Green lens for my helmet:
  19. Sweet! Looking forward to see the progress pics!
  20. Totally awesome sauce!! I can't wait till I finish my modifications so I can start getting dirty! It looks wicked!
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