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Everything posted by runJEDIrun

  1. goodluck trooper! i myself like the dremel. the score and snap just was too unpredictable and time consuming. best to just go slow with a dremel and sand later with 150grit paper.
  2. hahaha! it must be so hot though.
  3. yeah man, moms, grandmas, aunts, they are the best! they have this stuff laying around in the back of their cabinets and they never use em!
  4. YAY I'M NEXT!!! seriously mike, you are the man. if it wasn't for you i would still be that super ultra ridiculous beige trooper not to mention you have gotten me permanently obsessed with this stuff! My girlfriend came over today while i was on the computer and she was like, "please tell me you didn't just buy a bunch of old tupperware..." haha, what can i say? but seriously, ryans armor looks great, and if i can get mine half as good as that then i'm set!
  5. i was also looking at your other post on the other backpack thread where you were looking for a stow n go, and i was wondering if you needed both those parts. unless you are doing two packs of course, but the stow n go box is for the pack with the air filter and stuff on it, and the bread keeper is for the one without the filter. i just wanted to make sure you werent looking/buying parts you didnt need for your pack
  6. hey dude, i searched the same thing again "vintage tupperware bread keeper" and i got buy it nows that ship worldwide. (scroll down past the ones with pictures to the ones underneath with no pictures.) here is one that ships worldwide and is buy it now. http://cgi.ebay.com/Vintage-Tupperware-Bre...WD1VQQrdZ1QQcmd ZViewItem://http://cgi.ebay.com/Vintage-Tupperw...QQcmd ZViewItem this one is more expensive but also ships worldwide http://cgi.ebay.com/Vintage-Millionaire-Li...1VQQrdZ1QQcmdZV iewItem://http://cgi.ebay.com/Vintage-Million...QQcmdZV iewItem personally i would get the first one for buy it now! and since this stuff is hard to get overseas i would jump on it. good luck! remeber guys, lets not outbid each other.
  7. dude, you do some really nice scratch work stuff.
  8. i agree. your proportions are close, you have the backpack frame and boxes, and it overall looks VERY good!
  9. If you can't wait i would highly recommend AP armor which is currently available. Let me know if you need any contact info for him or pictures.
  10. PICTURES FROM SHORELEAVE! I took a bunch from the areas that i could go in. I didn't have a badge to move to lower levels, but there were other people in the garrison taking pictures so i'm sure they will post theirs soon! just click the link! http://s79.photobucket.com/albums/j143/run...releave%202006/
  11. the bottom (or top however you look at it) seems a little big? but i did search for the same name you did and found one that looks almost exactly like that, but if you turned it upside down the bottom portion was significantly smaller. but i searched for vintage tupperware bread keeper and found a ton of buy it nows.
  12. i was wondering if the larger box on the left trooper had its lid on as well and just placed upside down, or if you guys think they took the lid off.
  13. oh awesome, didn't see this post earlier! i will bring the mula. yeah, i get the worried old man thing a lot. its because i usually rush into things without giving it much thought, so now i'm trying to avoid bad situations <---- me being an old grumpy man.
  14. rob, i dunno if you brought the boots or not, but i am planning on bringing the money.
  15. Come on Phil, do I need to wipe...er... nevermind. Just use black tape. of the elecrical variety. in one inch width you can get it at Home Depot or Lowes it's black tape. You stick it to the box after you paint the box black. (I love teasing you) Anyhoo... yes, awesome find!!! yeah i always feel dumb cuz i never know what is going on but thanks for the help! without your help i'd be so terribly screwed
  16. awesome!! this will really help me. thanks so much! i did have a question about the "cross" on that paticular part though. was it tape, paint or elastic?
  17. haha. well, $$ is the only thing holding me back but i can still dream can't i? but yeah, back on topic (my fault) is everyone eating at the restaurant at shoreleave? i think i'm going to stop at the chipotle on my way in. just wondering if anyone else was getting there at 1pm tomw.
  18. and it sucks even more since germany lost to italy in the semi finals!!! WOOHOO! just kidding. i lived in milan, italy for 5 years, visited germany and austria on many many occasions and it (no offense usa) kicks the u.s' butt! I LOVE germany. ROcko, let's trade places
  19. where can you find this stuff? i see i can order it online, but do any stores carry it? i went to homedepot, pearl arts and craft (my work), walmart, and other art stores and can't find it.
  20. check out mikes website man, it answered all my questions.
  21. (scottish accent) brings tears to me eyes!
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