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Everything posted by TK4331

  1. I used black salsa bowls, if you look at the top one, i cut the legs off, the bottom one still has the legs on it, i know it's not cannon but i like the look. You can find them at most kitchen supply stores, i found mine at Bed Bath and Beyond for about $1.99 ea. My bad i thought your were talking about the black caps sorry, i used bottled water bottles filled with canned foam.
  2. Here's an update on the pack and the blaster i made!
  3. Well if you like i could get the parts together and ship them to you with instructions on how to assemble them, its really not that hard...........
  4. You might try making your shoulder bell straps longer so the pack straps ride over the bell straps i'm a big trooper so i did this before i built my pack, so it worked out great for me.This makes a wider gap between the bells and chest strap
  5. Thanks good luck on your pack, need any help let me know
  6. Thanks for the kind words!!!
  7. Here's my pack what do ya think?
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