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Dirty D

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Everything posted by Dirty D

  1. Hey guys, Jason here. I registered on the site nearly two years ago when I began to buy and build pieces to suit up as a TD. Had several huge changes in work and relocation and here I am two years later finally making progress with my Sandy. I'll be around the forums reading all of the tips and knowledge you guys share and when I have something worthwhile to say, I'll share it. Thanks guys!
  2. That is amazing to the hundreth power!
  3. That WOULD be cool actually. YOu know, it seems a long way off still but I would like to have a Dewback prop one day that could be trailer transported to events for awesome photo opportunities. At least if there was a section, we may have some people willing to give a go at constructing them. And yeah, it could be helpfull finding an artisan or go to place for the prods. Although I think they could be rather easily replicated. Not too much to them.
  4. Welcome Glenn, I'm a newb myself but nice to have ya along man
  5. Looks awesome in my opinion bro! Looks like a lot of work too! I'll keep my eyes open for you next one!
  6. Yeah man, that's completely off balanced laws. I found the thread where you guys were talking about the guns that were lifted from the garrison by law enforcement. That's just awfully stupid but I hope it'll turn out alright with some good media attention. At least for future generations maybe a change in the laws could be expected. Sorry about the missfortunes you guys have to deal with :/
  7. After all the close comparison and referencing I must say I prefer the original TD as well. But I do like a receptive and open club though so it's been nice to get all the point of views.
  8. Thats an awesome troop. Looks hella cool. I look forward to getting some of this action myself
  9. Man, that's a total bummer! So what was the law that was passed that's keeping you from being able to do this Dutchy? Is it a new law unique to your country or something like that? I find it really strange that they'd make it illegal to build guns that have no moving parts
  10. Very much agree with this theory you guys. Makes a lot of sense Very cool to hear these views. Even though you could see it as a backwater world or something like that, it is a renowned spaceport and wretched hive of scum and villainy. It does have a reputation and it is a harsh environment so despite it being a little desert world, it was still specially trained veteran soldiers who ran the police force there. I think maybe that they were so good at their job though that they most likely weren't monitored or micro managed much.
  11. Well, that sums it up. You know, I suppose a forum moderator could add a small note to the current Deployment Requirement saying that "If anyone is interested in actively pursuing a SE sandtrooper, please send a pm so we can work out regulations." That way noone will have to bother with the work unless it's needed.
  12. Really love the scar look under the eye on the bucket. Awesome dudeski!
  13. Awesome Tinman Looks great man. Real desert look!
  14. I don't have the 501st access yet so I didn't see the link but I could see the poll results you shared. I wonder if maybe this hasn't been applied to the deployment Requirements yet due to the amount of work involved in fixing up a set of rules for it. It would make more since to include them though in my opinion as long as the requirements on being screen accurate where just as rigorous. It could be that someone out there is sitting on an ROTJ bucket and really wanting to become a sandie but can't afford a complete new set. The SE would suit them aye? And we'd be one more brother heavier
  15. Wow, awesome gallery. Seen many images there that I hadn't come across yet on the net. Very nice collection!
  16. Greetings dirtytroops, Name's Jason... I'll be one of you soon. The rest of my gear will be here any day now and then we'll make that happen. Looking forward to trooping with some of you maybe.
  17. Was my 1st day of basic training with the army... yeap .... sucked
  18. Hey thanks for the in-depth reply Juan. I enjoyed reading and even feel somewhat enlightened as to the views around here. If your reply is basically the overall view of the members here, then it's definitely a great club of folks to be around. I feel better anyway after reading it because now I know that the primary purpose here is to unite in celebrating a timeless classic. I will most likely strive a bit harder to reach deployed status too. Thanks guys
  19. Dude, that looks killer awesome! Amazing work!
  20. haha! Well at least this seems to be a good natured forum so far.
  21. Awesome template! I have someone who's helping me with a kit for the backpack but I will definitely be using this template to make it more realistic! Thanks man!
  22. While I respect all of the answers so far, Caomhanach's reply seems to be the most reasonable response. The Star Wars universe may be a special thing that belongs to all of us but it is primarily George Lucas' world and I think it'd be more of an honor to him if we accept all of his work, even the stuff that we don't completely agree with it or would've done it differently. Again, I feel the need to explain that I mean to stir no trouble but being totally interested in 501st / MEPD, I wanted to get a feel for the way things work here.
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