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Everything posted by DirtyBoy

  1. Lol ya if you retire the costume through your Garrison I guess technically the process would start over.
  2. No, if you've achieved the badge, it's yours to keep. I tossed around the idea of recertifications for swat troopers annually but it hasn't been put into place yet. At the time there were a few troopers building, getting SWAT Clearance and then selling their build. Build looks great man.
  3. Hey Nick, you don't have to reapply for police officer status. Even with new builds its not required. Troopers are continually upgrading their gear and in some cases going complete new builds.
  4. Congrats To FELICE on his promotion to the Deployment Officer Position. Its going to be a great year for us and theres no better way than to start off the year strong!! Congrats my friend.....Now get to work ;]
  5. all members should be set to go. Any issues email me at dirtyboysquad@yahoo.com
  6. That's the direction we are going with the SWAT panel. It will help makes things better. Back in the day we only had a few police officers requesting deployment....SWAT wasn't part of the equation. Now things are different and the process will be as well.
  7. Off to a great start. I think your fellow troopers nailed the modifications that would give you an improved look. Good luck brother
  8. Hey man, I would go in a different direction as well. I'd be happy to recommend a few options. Just let me know if I can help.
  9. We should be reviewing potential approvals and providing our experience with builds anyway. The new DO will be established soon....we just want to give everyone a fair opportunity. In the meantime help community and offer suggestions for troopers so they will be an easy pass. I understand the desire to get someone right through and approved. We've come a long way over the past few years in streamlining the process. I remember a time where it took months to become police officers lol. Exciting future ahead troops.
  10. It's a difficult challenge providing personal and professional balance....then you throw in other commitments and it becomes next to impossible to balance. Thank you for everything you've done for the squad Brad. You're a great friend and I wish you safe travels my brother.
  11. Thanks brothers. Please keep the donations coming. We will update signature profiles when drive is complete
  12. Awesome job man! That's one pretty pack you've got there lol
  13. Look great bro!! Easy pass for Police Officer! See you in the cantina soon
  14. Mepdfo@yahoo.com Please use this email address
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