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Everything posted by TKDUEUNO

  1. You already mentioned two key elements: keep the camera at waist height or slightly below, far away and zoomed in. That's how the TKs were photographed in the movies, so it gives better results. And body posture makes a difference: chest out, shoulders up, chin down.
  2. You can't see it in the movie because it's always covered by ammo pouches, but I bet it's there
  3. I bought it directly from Plast Dip UK site, fast and cheap http://www.plastidip.co.uk/index2.cfm?page=products&prodId=1
  4. Option 1 is the right one, and to be screen accurate you want to take off a small square on the bottom of the kidney plate, look at the first movie frame you posted. TM armor is the only one that incorporates this small detail, along with other ANH nuances.
  5. I suggest you spray them white Plastidip, I painted mine with that and they're incredibly flexible and tough!
  6. Nice topic, Rolf I was born in 1977, the year when everything SW started. My parent's weren't cinema lovers, so the first time I saw Star Wars was on TV, I was eight years old. I still remember the emotion and fear of seeing the Stormtroopers breaking in the corridor, running and shooting lasers, and after the first incursion Darth Vader coming in and looking at the dead troopers, just breathing heavily. Still gives me the chills! That was it. Armors, Blasters, The Force, Darth Vader, Stormtroopers, Lightsabers, Spaceships, Tie Fighters, Tie Pilots, Princess Leia, Ben Kenobi, Disguise, Rescue, Escape, Evil, Thrill, Adventure! OMG!!! With those fresh memories I did my first SW costume that year: It's a shame I threw it away years later, the faceplate was really accurate!!! I even remembered the three coin slots between the eyes, after seeing it just for one time! Still no VCR at that time Years later I attempted a Scout, this time with the help of a VCR: I was literally a Biker Scout The helmet was a bit oversized and the armor a little tight, but it was awesome! I still have this one And here I am, 24 years later, more and more a SW geek, and a happy EIB Stormtrooper I'd really love to travel back in time dressed like this and scare the **** out of the little me!!!
  7. That's exactly what I'd do on that helmet, Paul! I'm eager to see those modifications applied and new shots from the front.
  8. Thanks Rolf I might consider getting another TM and going dirrrty, but for now I enjoy my pristine one TM is indeed a piece of art, I suggest you buy one too instead of the Laws' Just kidding, I'm very curious to see Dan's armor!
  9. Well, that's not true, I bought that Blaster Core board way before the Hyperdyne one was released It was the third board Erv' produced, and he sent it to me even before the official release, since I was so eager to put it into my blaster! And by the way, thanks for the compliments, guys!
  10. LOOOOOOLLLLLL :D :D Billy, you never cease to amaze me
  11. I'm sorry officer, that will not happen again.... And....... errrh...... ok, caught, I'm just showing off Maybe in the future I'm gonna buy another one and go dirty, who knows!
  12. Many thanks to Troopermaster for the incredible armor, precious advices and assistance, Stukatrooper for the fantastic tutorial, TK-4510 for the decals, Stomper for Hovies and t-tracks, TK_MD for the Hengstler counter, Erv' for the Blaster Core, Stormtrooper for the rubber gloves and latex handguards, firebladejedi for the canvas belt, Smitty for the lenses, Launchpad for the speakers, riveting for the neckseal and the holster tutorial, and everyone on this great forums who contributed to make my dream come true. Thank you troopers! :D :D Pablo
  13. Hi guys! Since I'm very very happy about how it turned out, I wanted to share with you sandies my new Troopermaster armor in ABS. I can't express with words how satisfied I am, so I'll let the pictures do the talking. I still can't believe it's me. Enjoy!
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