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Everything posted by avatar_man

  1. ..... No Kidding - right there with you on that one. By the time I either have had the money or the picture available - no slots for the standard 501st Card runs have been available... (darned frustrating at best - 3 years running, nothing).. MEPD Card - yeah..... !
  2. Bert, Great job. Great to see friends gwt some accolades every now and then. Hope to see you next year at SWW :~) Be cool - see you on MySpace.
  3. Any chance we can get a status on when the pictures we have submitted would be changed? I know everyone is very busy, and updating a picture is not the "most" inportant task..but I have made several updates and improvments on my set-up and would like to see the picture match what I actually look like (I know subtle differences)..
  4. OK - I know a kid that would love a set, or at least a Helmet...
  5. Ditto - Have loved this look since I first saw it - where can we get one?
  6. Any chance these would come up for sale - I know a little 3-1/2 year old girl who would love one..
  7. I beleive I have found a local source - Thanks for all the helps!
  8. OK folks, I have my AP helmet kit and now need some accurate Hovi Mic tips... please PM me with leads..
  9. Mike, All I can say is what I always say about your work - simply fantastic! One thing, how about a size for us LMG's? I know Krewson and I need some UNK armor....
  10. How do the Jhodpurs stack up against these, I am in process of making those white and just wondered ..? Here are the ones I picked up - $37.50 USD http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vi ... 0100137358
  11. you could try these... http://www.eeproductcenter.com/electrom ... =193600437 The JARO Micro fan - high output..
  12. Mike is right (even if he is young compared to us in their mid 40's and up) ..Seriously, take care of your education and developing yourself first! let me repeat that... you get the point. I have found that experience in other areas of your life lend themselves greatly to this hobby. You will look at something and say "Hmm - that looks like something I saw at my first or second job, the kind of thing that was like..: and viola - brainstorm, breakthrough - problem solved. It's not just about slapping a pre-made kit together and wearing it... you have to work at it a long time, and that also takes money.... If you have to have a costume, and are still growing - consider a "soft" costume (I.E. Biker Scout - still expensive, or Tie Pilot - Much less expensive).. You can always change out your undergarment and as long as the helmet still fits... But, back to the original dialogue. Disposable income is necessary for this hobby. Heck, I am balancing the bare minimums for trooping with 4 kids,mortgage, car payments and student loans - and just don't have the time or moeny for anything else right now. This hobby takes dedication and MONEY. ...just my 2 cents, just don't want to see someone try it, and lose out or get jaded before they can fully experience the brotherhood that is MEPD!
  13. I have found that the micro squirrel cage fans work great and you don't get the fan chopping into you or your hair if you happen to bend the wrong way.. The usually have a higher CFM output than the normal fan... look around and check....
  14. I don't know either - BUT I am gearing up for a mass produced Binder kit... I will post in the next couple of weeks in the right area..stay tuned! Of course first dibs goes to command staff...
  15. I found one easily.... http://www.checkpointcharlies.com/showprod...&productid=2836 not exact though...
  16. Beyond the use of the picture - I beleive the important part here is that Mike's hard work and dedication has resulted in him being selected as the prototype for the "IMAGE" that everyone has for a Sandtrooper. I can only hope to be a background trooper when compared with his complete package..But I digress... I have said it before and I'll say it again - MIKE - you da MAN!
  17. I have everything I need in the MEPD - brotherhood, freedom to express oneself, and humor - other than beer, what more can you ask?
  18. I highly recommend Tony's work - just absolutely Top Notch. And, until SOMEONE comes up with an alternative, the MR and real Sterling is just too darned heavy....
  19. Man Tony, You HAVE been busy. Everything looks great. Sent you a PM...
  20. ...Why not try a tacking iron instead of the regular fabric iron. THese irons are used in Graphic Arts and photography work (to mount prints, etc.) - much smaller head and pinted on the end for small areas... ..think of a soldering iron with a small iron attached to the end...
  21. I have used it a lot, and can say from experience - you will not want to use it a s a base coat. It works well as handgrip coatings, but just like any rubber coating, it wears and can peel (even when properly applied. This would be catastrophic for a base coat on any weapon, etc... It would be of better use as a last external grip coating... I certainly would not use it on canvas..
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