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Everything posted by Daetrin

  1. Are there any other options to getting rid of the pebbling aside from hammering on them? I tried to do this on a sample and didn't see much difference. Does it take a lot of hammering, or am I just not banging on it enough? Or do most feel the pebbling is fine the way it is?
  2. OK, here are my pix: GreatSot Pouches (stripped, dyed, sheened, with wood clips) http://www.hoeffer.com/public/SotPouches1.jpg http://www.hoeffer.com/public/SotPouches2.jpg For comparison, here are pouches from SithArmor http://www.hoeffer.com/public/SithArmorPouches1.jpg http://www.hoeffer.com/public/SithArmorPouches2.jpg http://www.hoeffer.com/public/SithArmorPouches3.jpg
  3. I noticed that after several days of drying I can still rub dye off the pouch. Is this normal? If so, how best to seal it? (using the spray sheen?) BTW, the pine boards work a treat. And yes Mr. Sot, I promise to post pix tonight.
  4. I think it depends on what kind of dirt look you're going after. TK409 has more of a sooty dirt that could be from vehicle exhaust, etc. that will stick & has nothing do to with sand. Personally I like that look alot. OTOH, the browner/sandy look is supposed to reflect more of a sandy environment. As pointed out it wouldn't really get that dirty (if it did, we wouln't have to paint these guys), but it does convey that you've been in a sandy environment. I'd agree - I hate the overly dirty look. But then, to each his own. I like the sooty look, others like the sandy look, etc. do what you think fits the vision you have in your minds eye.
  5. From what I gather on other boards (501st, CT), TDH has a very different user base than what we have here. While I can't imagine anyone on this board acting like some of the posts I've seen there, or that our moderators would ever let MEPD deteriorate into that kind of state, it just shows that there are many different kinds of SW fans about. Fortunately the crowd here seems to prefer not to engage in those types of behavior patterns.
  6. Hear, hear! An awful lot of work on this part in service to this organization and the 501st!
  7. Amen. It's great to see a happy Matt. And, it's great to see that how well TD's treat each other as guests.
  8. You are correct, sir! However for non-canon events or even a fan film (think Troops) they'd be totally wicked and I'm definately planning on getting on myself. Add an embossed holster...c'mon - you know it be totally fun for non-canon appearances.
  9. If you want to go top of the line, Ashton makes some great pauldrons on which you can have embossed your TKID + the Imperial emblem. http://www.ashtonomicon.com/gallery/thu ... p?album=35 (he does ammo pouches & holsters too...)
  10. I don't think I'm spilling anything by saying that the two big Ebay sellers are Got*Armor ($35 each) and TK510 ($28 each). Anyone have both that can let us know if there are really any significant diffs between the two? Else they seem pretty comparable...
  11. They're for clone troopers actually IIRC - were never seen on a TK/TD. I have a black but would like to get an orange to mix it up. If anyone ever wants to sell their orange in the next month or so, ping me first, else it's off to Got*Armor I go.
  12. Actually there is no proof of any of this in the original film. That was added much later, and there are at least two different interpretations. Not to mention my own that they are not rank related at all (notice that pauldrons in the NT are not rank related?). Please, let's not open this again. :-p
  13. In reality? Whatever you want them to be. Just pick which one goes with the image you had in your mind when you went sandy, or whichever you think looks best to you. Really, you don't want me to get started on this subject *again*. It's been covered many times ad nauseum - just check past threads.
  14. Geez, could it get any better? Hanging out in Hawaii with TE making helmets and armor? Next thing you'll tell me there's beer there too. Man, now that really is paradise
  15. Way to go PNerves! It's been a long journey for you my brother, but you've arrived nonetheless. A great example of perserverence. Oh, and the armor looks great too!
  16. Welcome. You've taken your first step into a larger world...
  17. I'll definately be in line to get a suit & helmet. Will send a PM too...and would love to get a PM gift of what I need to move forward in the mail
  18. Super news! I think we're all excited that things are turning out so well. Snags aren't uncommon in ramp up, no? The best part is that they're keeping up with the tradition & integrity you started. TE will still be the best!
  19. Four hours? For that thing? Man, you work fast and accurately. I spent much more time, and it looks like a POS compared to yours.
  20. Jeebus almost gave me a heart attack. Thoughts of selling my home and child to help come up with incentive to not break the molds flashed through my mind! The *best* news is that you're having such a great time you're in a good enough mood to joke around. Matt having fun? Priceless!
  21. Not what I'm saying at all. Should my pack not count because it's not 100% screen accurate? Should we ban anyone who wears FX from being in the 501st? I'm all up for quality and a definate standard of accuracy, but just because something isn't 100% perfect doesn't mean it's bad. If the cushman out of the box looks like crap fine. If you can tune it to be acceptable, fine. My point is that different people have different levels of accuracy that they are shooting for. And that should be OK. Obviously there is a minimum bar, but after that it should be up to each person, no?
  22. Absolutely outstanding! Your's was one of the sites I consulted a lot when I first went TK, then again when I went TD. You inspire me as to just how good a TD can be. I hope someday to reach even a fraction of what you've accomplished, and appreciate you setting a high bar as a living example. Thank you so much!
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