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Everything posted by trooper1

  1. Yes stick with TKboots if you want long term wear without having to repaint. SWAT approval is one time, but trooping is forever! Lol made a funny!
  2. Lookin good! That's the ticket! Lol suck it up! Lol have a safe week, you'll hopefully be there when you return
  3. If you need help send me a PM I can explain more. Have made over 10 suits for other troops this way. Works outstanding.
  4. Do you use suspenders for your cod and lower back? If so a trick! Put the shoulder bell snaps on the straps for the cod and lower back. it will make the suit more wearable and comfortable. And will work perfectly. But! If you want to build for looks then put it all together like the movie suit, and if for long troops and years of service then suspenders. Years of trial and error figured this out.
  5. Congrats! Trooper. Now report to the precinct for patrol orders. Lol
  6. Welcome aboard sir. Happy to have you aboard.
  7. Looks like a great troop for sure. Great job
  8. Wow, I honestly don't know. just something that will flex a lot and is designed for vinyl should work. ask an upholstery shop. They may have an idea
  9. I just used JB Weld epoxy to reattach. Worked great.
  10. To elaborate further. All parts need to be assembled with butt and strip. thighs, calves, forearms, biceps. You appear to have all overlapped.
  11. Your almost there yes indeed. may I ask what Pauldron you are wearing. Just looking for the puffy segments, and didn't recognize the larger neck straps.
  12. Looks cool! Just build an injection mold. Lol build it, they will come!
  13. Welcome to the sand pit! Everything looking good. You'll be in the precinct in no time.
  14. Outstanding!! That is a great change. Should be able to clear easily now.
  15. Just send me a PM with your address. I will send you a set of tube stripe templates
  16. Re emphasizing what Airborne said. Also the sand will usually settle on tops of horitontal parts. Usually not on vertical parts, unless for some reason it was wet. So for all the creases that are vertical you may tone it back. Also the under sides. Hope this helps. I know on mine I used the paints and then while wet, I just added tile grout to give quick dusting. Not too much just a subtle bit.
  17. Wow, can't help here. I know some people who have them but not sure of what they make. i know they work very well though.
  18. Agree, or mix the light and dark together. Put it on and wipe 90% off. Just like a stain. also removing some of the ?? How to word it.. The coffee ground look may help. while it neat, may just be a bit much. rememeber sand, unless wet, falls back off usually. So in this case, less is more. No worries though, your almost there.
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