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Everything posted by nico

  1. Thats a beauty! Cant wait to see what you make of it!
  2. Really nice! You even got the thermal detonator! Allways thought that helmet was pretty cool, good work!
  3. That greedo outfit is awesome! Looks like you had a good time. Thanks for sharing!
  4. It seems i am not the only one who learned something new today! Thanks for sharing the pictures!
  5. If you want to look at different armor you might want to check the starwarshelmets.com site. Not sure if there are any descriptions of sizes there though. I think the FX armor might be the biggest one, but then again i have no first hand experience, so hopefully someone wiser than me can chime in. Good luck!
  6. Cool stuff! Love the javas as well!
  7. really cool stuff dude! cant wait to see the progress! good luck! Remember to take pictures along the way!
  8. As the sight of these pictures causes pain to so many members of the forum, the postman should be tried for crimes against humanity perhaps! =/ Good luck Rolf!
  9. nico

    New Guy Here!!!

    A sandtrooper may be nice, because if you happen to slip with the knife or something it may just add to the battle damage/weathering? But there are more pieces to put together as you have to get the backpack too. If you are a larger guy the fx might be the way to go, or so they say. If you find an FX lite kit, as in just the armor (no helmet), you can just get a more accurate bucket. If im not mistaken there are some descriptions of the armors as well as the helmets on the starwarshelmets.com site. Might want to take a look over there. But im just rambling, i just have a helmet so im not the most experienced one to take advice from, there are real experts on this board, and im sure someone will chime in! Good luck!
  10. Haha, its an outdated version of the e-web (or whatever that huge gun the snowtroopers use is called) ! =) The Boba Fett looks kickass as well! Thanks for sharing!
  11. Really nice! I also used oil paints to weather my helmet, although i used a tad more earth colors. Good work!
  12. Congratulations! Great news! =D
  13. Really cool dude! And i agree, plo koon rocks as well!
  14. nico

    my lid

    From what i can see it looks good! Might want to upload some pictures that are a bit larger the next time so it is possible to see more of the details! Keep up the good work!
  15. Good work on the themes, looks very good!
  16. You might want to go a bit more easy on the weathering perhaps? If you take a look at some screenshots you can see that the original ones are much less weathered! Might be worth a try! Good luck!
  17. Congratulations! Hope you are all doing well! Cool name too! =)
  18. nico


    Looks like you had a great time! Thanks for sharing!
  19. Thats a great start! Keep up the good work!
  20. Good work! Looks very nice!
  21. Good to see you are making progress! Keep up the good work!
  22. Very cool! Although you guys perhaps went a bit overboard with the red glow on the gun, eh? =)
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