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Everything posted by TK_Han

  1. If nothing happens I'll be there with my armor, I hope to see you all.
  2. 。  。  。。  。 。    。 。  。 。 。。  。 。。。       ¡¡¡¡FELIZ NAVIDAD!!!! 
  3. Yo estoy enamorado de todo su equipo... armadura, mochila y casco... Felicidades. I'm in love with his team ... armor, backpack and helmet ... Congratulations.
  4. Buenas hermano, otro Español mas en las filas de los MEPD. Ahora falta que solicites tu estado de soldado desplegado y ser un miembro oficial de los MEPD . Saludos. ----------- Good brother, another Spanish but in the ranks of the MEPD. Now need to apply forstatus as a soldier deployed and be an official member of the MEPD. Greetings
  5. Thank you all. I'm going to get their comments. He will be very happy. I'll tell you register at the forum with his TD. Once registered you and I will help you in order to fulfill his dream of becoming a MEPD. Thank you again.
  6. Hi, my comrade in arms, I wonder if your armor would be admitted within the MEPD. Please be so kind as to evaluate and if you need anything would be so kind to say so? Thank you. He still has not been submitted or requested admission in these forums.
  7. I also am alone in my city. This event is organized once a year to get together in a different city in Spain This time we have almost 60 members.
  8. thanks all. Thanks to all Here are some more photos and a video link to see a... http://www.flickr.com/photos/andresmaster/sets/72157628176326969/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fi4lwrTqhIg&feature=share
  9. Hi all. I present Training Day III (Elda) (26-11-2011) Some pics of the event.
  10. Seeking German Sandtrooper ... Hi, the next 18.19 and 20 February will be in Berlin for business travel. l14.10 hrs. Airport Arrival Tegler (Berlin). Pedar unto me with my fellow ABBA Hotel Berlin Lietzenburger Str 89 10719 Berlin. I would be delighted to meet a member of the German MEPD and not the other members. It is difficult and I can scarcely leave the schedule for my trip is organized and have only free on Saturday morning. My English and my German is no worse but if anyone offers to teach the finest monuments in Berlin (in record time) my colleagues and I would be happy ....... thanks. P. S. If that person is female even sure my colleagues would be more grateful (just kidding) thanks.
  11. Hello. I know Iconoclasta_88, has offered to help the Hispanis language speakers. If you need someone but I am willing to help too. ----------------------------------------------------- Hola. Se que Iconoclasta_88, se ha ofrecido para ayudar a los hablantes de lengua Hispana. Si necesitan a alguien mas yo estoy dispuesto a ayudar tambien.
  12. You'll see multiple covers from this link has to search .. STAR WARS: EP IV 2004 Special Edition REVISITED by Adywan and select the type of document you wish to achieve. You need the download manager JDownloader The file you are low is a container that opens this program and manages all the download, once you have achieved all the same document it together and turn it into a DVD ready for roasting. Excuse my English, there will surely be partner who can explain it better than me. If this message fail to comply with a rule please please do delete this message. Thank you.
  13. Hello, I can say it's really good. Very good. It is more like me saying that the end is brutal (Spanish expression) If you have not seen it I advise you not to think and get a copy. There are 3 versions Divx DVD 5 (with extras) dvd 9 (with many but extras) In each of the versions are slightly different. They also leave a link to your next creation ..... simply stunning. STAR WARS: EP V "REVISITED EDITION"**ADYWAN**
  14. TK_Han

    MEPD 2010

    You have not entered in these forums for internet access problems and I've been a very pleasant surprise. I have a question how or where can I get the picture or ".psd" to make me a signature I like yours.? thanks Spanish Garrison
  15. Felicidades por tu ingreso. Hay una ronda pagada en la cantina. Congratulations for incorporation. There is a round paid in the saloon.
  16. Hola Vogel. Te conocí en Valencia. Muy buenas fotos. Estoy contento de ver un miembro de la Spanish Garrison en este foro. Espero patrullar pronto por Mos Eisly junto a ti. Me han hablado de unos droides robados, esa será tu primera misión. Jajajajajajaja. Saludos TD 3504 Spanish Garrison ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I knew you in Valencia. Very good photos. I am satisfied to see a member of the Spanish Garrison in this forum. I wait to patrol soon for Mos Eisly close to you. They have spoken to me about a few stolen droides, this it will be your first mission. Jajajajajajaja. Regards TD 3504 Spanish Garrison
  17. Hello. Here my new photos are. I wait be good. Manuel Chica TD 3504 Tk_Han Spanish Garrison tk3504@tk3504.com www.tk3504.com
  18. Here I leave a few photos them where I go out with my previous armor... FX. Also I go out with my backpack. These photos tape-worm many desires of showing them. I have supported them privately, but I believe that already it is time to reveal it. I show my dewback to them. Thanks to all.
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