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Everything posted by SandtrooperScout

  1. Guess I'll definitely have to bring the Sandie and wear it on Saturday!!
  2. Would you look at that....wow, great idea!
  3. Dont hold back?!? Whats to hold back?! I think it looks great! Good job, trooper.
  4. Have to admit, I almost fell for it. I was on the fence, to be sure, lol, and part of me was wishing I had 3 grand sitting around! I decided to wait and see though, and glad I did. It was a good one, but I'm glad it was just a joke.
  5. My "Mrs." will be there too, along with my "Miss."
  6. Looks awesome! I hate all you skinny guys!
  7. But doesnt it then LOOK like it's shimmed all to **** and back?
  8. But given what's available today however, what I've been able to gather so far is that I'm most likely just going to have get another FX kit to get something that fits, right?
  9. No worries about "hijacking" the thread. I think it's informative. I've often wondered myself about the different size percentages and find it interesting. However, what I've been able to gather so far is that I'm most likely just going to have get another FX kit to get something that fits alright? I'm not the idealized 5'10 180 pounds. I'm more of the fireplug/tree trunk type... 5'7-5'8 (depending on who measures) and 205. Currently I have FX armor, with Arsonsmith's ab plate and an AP helmet.
  10. Well I'm not having trouble per se. I just built it so its not something I can resize. If that wasnt the case, I could easily make it fit.
  11. Yeah, just a bit over 15". And thats one of the reasons I was looking to upgrade. I sized my FX for where I was 2 years ago. Ive put on weight and muscle since then, so the forearms, biceps, thighs, calves all are bit tight now, and of course the belt has expanded a bit too. Almost sounds like I should just go with another FX kit, just so I have something that will fit me.
  12. Drat! That whats I used to weigh but no longer.
  13. Could someone PM me the info on TE2, or how to get in touch with them? Thanks.
  14. Heh...firstly, yes she has a sister who however happens to be married. But, before you begin to mourn....she isnt of the same nature. Guess I've snagged me one of the good ones. And she can sew! Plus she likes to sew SW costumes, so I've got me a Jedi, an Imp officer...etc...but I digress. $750 for a TE suit is a crazy good deal, and if I had the money now , without having to rob it from my C4 fund, my decision would be sealed. However, sigh, this is something thats going to have to wait till after Celebration. But I figured I could do my "window shopping" now, and get a "brand" picked out. I've got the info on TM and AP now. It seems people think TM is the way to go, while AP is probably the most wallet friendly.
  15. So, I've come to that pivotal decision that many of us here make. Whether to continue "correcting" my FX kit, or upgrade to a new set. Well, believe it or not, the decision was helped along by the ol' wifey. She's all for me upgrading, since she'll take over my FX kit and join the ranks of the sandies herself. (Yeah, I've trained her well! ) The question now becomes this....which way do I go? AP? TE2? TM? I really dont have a clue. I have FX armor with an AP bucket, but beyond that, I'm armor clueless. So if anyone would feel like chiming in, or if any of these makers happen to be here, I'd love to hear from you, especially PM's regarding credits and such. I have the info on TM's armor, and of course I've heard nothing but good things about it. But I want to make sure I cover all the options you know. So what do you think?
  16. Lookin good so far!! You'll love it when it's done..I sure do!
  17. Its just cut up rubber sections of a broken windshield wiper off my Aztek, heh. I just glued them down and tucked the ends in the holes.
  18. Well, its nearly finished. This is it after 3 coats of Fusion Satin Black: It held up well enough to troop with yesterday in the St. Patrick's Day parade here, and it everyone seemed to think it was a great mod. The only thing I added in addition to the mod kit was some windshield wiper sections over the vent holes that showed the "red" blaster light. I did putty up what seams I could, and fill in the screws holes on the right side. Now I just have to weather it, and it should be done!
  19. Yes! So far, other than a few small flash "balls" from a seam or two, I've had to do very little prep clean up. Ive been using "Welder" glue, and it sticks GOOD. The parts are mostly unmovable in about 10 minutes. The only piece I'd be worried about breaking is the "frame" piece that runs the length of the blaster. It's basically just a U shaped piece of resin. However I think once it's glued on, short of direct blast to specific spot or two, it will be pretty solid.
  20. Plenty of these happening it seems! The progress so far.... I've got the Hengstler counter, the magazine and receiver, the barrel tip, and the butt cap pieces on. Already the toy has a nice weight to it with the attachment. I still have the cylinders that sit on top of the magazine and the stock pieces to go. Trying to take my time to allow the glue to set fully, but this stuff is good, so I'm pretty confident the pieces aint goin' no where. Once it's all on, I'm probably gonna get some putty to fill in a few of the seams and the screw holes from the toy assembly then paint it. Krylon has a nice new textured Fusion paint, that has a nice forged metal feel to it.
  21. I've actually bought one of these very kits too, and it was this thread that turned me on to it. It only took about a week to receive and so far I'm pretty happy with it. I'll try to post a pic or two once I get it all done.
  22. Anyone know where or who to go to to get some "replacement" parts. I'm looking for new forearms and bicep pieces specifically.
  23. I guess you can mark me as there. I got my room and should have the time off.
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