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I really wish that it wasnt against the law to take pictures in a casino.. I had the best photo op for an off duty Sandtrooper ever.. Im in the casino at the hotel the other nite in my Star Wars shirt and what do I find... Yes you guessed a Star Wars themed poker machine (guess Lucas Arts cashed in on gambling) it was called DROID HUNT.. It was awesome not only because of what it was based on but I actually had pretty good luck with it and hit for quite a few credits...

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I really wish that it wasnt against the law to take pictures in a casino.. I had the best photo op for an off duty Sandtrooper ever.. Im in the casino at the hotel the other nite in my Star Wars shirt and what do I find... Yes you guessed a Star Wars themed poker machine (guess Lucas Arts cashed in on gambling) it was called DROID HUNT.. It was awesome not only because of what it was based on but I actually had pretty good luck with it and hit for quite a few credits...

It´s karma Kirby, you gotta go back to hunt those droids as a full TD!Posted Image

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I don't like playing in casinos, but this I would play...




YES SIR thats it.. one I played only had 2 seats, but yep thats it... Has lots of movie clips in it depending upon what you hit.. If you hit for the BIG score like it plays the end of the trench run and the Death Star explosion.. Im not much for electronic gambling but this could have easily got me leaning to the dark side and wanting to spend more and more funds....Really glad I didnt play it earlier in the week... I would have probably been broke and had to pawn my armor to get back home... :unsure::angry:

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