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Helmet head hole size?


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I'm just putting the finishing touches on my new helmet, and need a bit of advice with regards to the size of the opening for my head. As it is, I can just squeeze my head through (a bit harder with my headset on). It also presses into my throat a bit, which isn't too bad with the neck seal on but will probably get uncomfortable over a long troop.

I know these things are meant to be snug, and no-one will be able to see my head/face underneath the helmet with it so tight, but can I trim some more of the face plate down to make things a bit easier? If I go ahead and trim it down I'm terrified I'll take off too much, so any photo's of your guys lids to guide me would be great!

post-1703-057722900 1285963150_thumb.jpg

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Hey there bro...

Looking at the pict I think you do have some room for trimming under the vocoder area... but just a bit. That could help you out a little.

But actually, if you trimmed the bucket correctly, the hole size should not be determined by how much you cut off, but by how you put your bucket together.

So, I must ask... what kit are you using, and did you put it together yourself or did you get it already assembled?

The thing is, that the hole is determined by how much forward and how much tilted is the faceplate compared to the dome and back.

For most TDs configuration, you would get a smaller hole since the faceplate is positioned closer in the bottom to make a more "vertical" look of the face, opposed to TKs that the bottom of the faceplate is more outwards, making the hole bigger.

So, if you can take the faceplate apart, there is also room there for adjusting.

Here is a pict of my bucket anyway. It is also small, and of course I have tu put it in by turning my head sideways, but its not that bad.

Hope it helps.

post-1761-064091900 1285964663_thumb.jpg


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Thanks for the help guys! The helmet is a T/MC, and I trimmed and assembled it myself. That's an interesting point that assembly determines the size. I'm used to my MR helmet, so I was unsure how small the hole was meant to be. Thinking about it, I once tried a friends RT-Mod and couldn't even get it on my head :blink:

Perhaps it's my head that's in the wrong place and I have to adjust the padding? Because as it is, the vocoder really digs into the my throat, but there is a lot of room at the back.

Thanks for the photo, that helps a lot!

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