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My TD application was denied by my GML.


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Hi all,

I've been a 501st member since 2006 and this sandtrooper I'm trying to get approved will be my 10th Legion costume. (https://www.501st.com/members/displaymember.php?userID=6919&costumeID=374)

I feel like my GML team is holding me to "standards above the standards".

Here are the photos that were submitted (I put the costume on then walked to the area to take the photos (in 98 degree heat). As most troopers know, as soon as a trooper walks, things get wonky)







The first email denying the costume is below

"Hello Rob,

Thank you for your patience with us as it's a busy summer with a lot of troops and people doing "summer stuff".
We were able to look at your submission and found a few things that need to be improved upon before we can certify your costume.
We only have a minor costume issue that we see, the rest are fitting issues:
The pouches seem flat and I'm not sure if it's required to have them filled, but we think it would help the overall look to fill them with flat rectangular pieces of wood or plastic in black. They could also be stuffed with batting, but this can look lumpThere are a number of fitment issues.
  • There is a large area between the thigh and lower leg armor at the knees. We're not sure if the thigh armor can be lowered or if it's too short. but it seems to sit too high.
  • Bicep armor seems a little too high and can come down closer to the elbow
  • Kidney plate seems tipped up and needs to wrap around the sides so it is more parallel with the ground.
  • The belt is also not straight and dips on one side.
  • The seams on the lower leg armor are not closing and there is a gap when looking from the left side. From the back there is also a black stripe that may be hook and loop. on the left leg. The right leg seam is offset and not flush at the top.
All in all the costume is good, just need to focus on how it fits and sits when dressing.
Please let us know if you need any advice or assistance to correct any of these fitting issues. We have several people that we can reach out to if you need additional support and we are unable to assist you.
Again, thank you for your patience and we look forward to seeing your corrected photos to certify your Sandtrooper.
Have an amazing day!

I have everything listed in the CRL in the costume. Their issue is with the "fitment" of the costume. I countered with the fact that those "fitment" issues are not listed in the CRL. I am 6'2" tall and the armor is fitting me exactly the same as my TK armor which has been approved for the last 8 years without issue.


My reply to them was as follows:

I appreciate the feedback although I respectfully feel that it should be approved as is. As I look at the CRL for the Santrooper, I am not seeing any of the points you mentioned addressed.
You stated: "We only have a minor costume issue that we see, the rest are fitting issues:
The pouches seem flat and I'm not sure if it's required to have them filled, but we think it would help the overall look to fill them with flat rectangular pieces of wood or plastic in black. They could also be stuffed with batting, but this can look lump"
The CRL states that pouches must be present. It says nothing about how "full" they look. See below for a screenshot of the CRL.
"There are a number of fitment issues.
  • There is a large area between the thigh and lower leg armor at the knees. We're not sure if the thigh armor can be lowered or if it's too short. but it seems to sit too high."
There is nothing in the CRL about spacing between the thigh and lower leg armor (see screenshot below). If I lower the thighs anymore, it will impact my knee flexibility. This is the same configuration I have on my TK that has been approved for 8 years.
  • "Bicep armor seems a little too high and can come down closer to the elbow."
There is nothing in the CRL about spacing between the bicep and forearm armor (see screenshot below). If I lower the biceps anymore, it will impact my elbow flexibility. This is the same configuration I have on my TK that has been approved for 8 years.

  • "Kidney plate seems tipped up and needs to wrap around the sides so it is more parallel with the ground."
The CRL says nothing about the kidney plate having to be parallel to the ground.
  • "The belt is also not straight and dips on one side."
The CRL says the belt has to be present. It does not say it has to be completely straight all the way around.
  • "The seams on the lower leg armor are not closing and there is a gap when looking from the left side. From the back there is also a black stripe that may be hook and loop. on the left leg."
The CRL does not say they have to close completely. It simply states that they close in the back, which they do. This is the same set up I have been using with my TK that has been approved for the last 8 years.
  • "The right leg seam is offset and not flush at the top."
I can't see the back of my calf in costume as I put this on, so I will do a better job of lining it up next time.
"All in all the costume is good, just need to focus on how it fits and sits when dressing."
I can "focus on how it fits and sits when dressing" next time I suit up, therefore, I feel it should be approved. None of the items mentioned are a violation of the CRL.
Thank you for reconsidering."
From that I got this reply:
"As a GML team we looked at your submitted photos again and still are in agreement that there are some fitting issues that may be taken care of with some fixes of the strapping.  Generally, when things are not strapped properly you run into mobility issues, gaps that are too small or too large which makes your armor look too small.  Your kit is good, but the areas of kidney plate, your thighs, bicep, backplate, and your knees can be fixed easily with some adjustments to your strapping to lay correctly and lessen the gaps.  Many of us have to adjust our straps several times in order to look good, and then we realize that it even feels better too.  If you need support concerning how to best fix your strapping, please let us know if you would like us to reach out to someone that will be able to help you and give you ideas on how to best improve on your strapping issues.
If you believe that the fitting issues are because of your dressing, please resubmit photos to show the adjustments in the fitting issues. Please remember to also use the CRL photos as a guide on how to dress and present yourself in your costume.  The ammo pouches don't look flat in the photo and will look better if you have something in them that looks like ammo.  The belt also needs to be flat and not at an angle in your new photos.  We understand that there are times while you are trooping that it may be at an angle, but in the photos it would be best to dress with the full kit fitting after you are dressed. That is not enough to not pass your submission, but it will make your costume look better and that is what we as GML's want to support you in doing.
Also, if you would like additional opinions beyond the Garrison GML's we can also escalate your submission to the MEPD Detachment costume advisors so they can look at your submission for certification."
I have ZERO mobility issues with the current strapping setup. If I adjust according to their suggestions, I will have mobility issues.
Any slight minor adjustments that are recommendations to make it fit better (but are not specifically listed in the CRL), should be just that.  They should have come back with:
"You have met the CRL requirements and therefore your costume is approved. We have some suggestions to make it fit slightly better which are..."
In conclusion, I'm not denying that it might fit better. Could the belt be a little more straight? Sure. Will I do that next time I put on the costume? Absolutely.  This kind of absolute nitpicky stuff should NOT be cause for a denial.  I have been frustrated by this whole process and I hope I am not coming across as anything other than seeking advice.
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Hi Robert

Your after basic legion approval yes?

You have a lot of work to do 😉

I think your helmet is fine although I'm not a fan of the tube stripe, looks like a sticker but ok for basic legion I believe 

Your armor needs a lot of work

But probably simple but I'd love to see pics of it without the belt n pauldron to get a better idea of any underlying issues

I believe the back and kidney issue is a simple fitting issue but may be more

The ab plate needs to come up level to the kidney plate and get a tight strap fit between the cod piece and butt plate, I think that's where the problem starts

Once the kidney and abs are aligned it should all fall into place

It wouldn't hurt to lower the thighs but not alot 

The gap in the calfs to thighs is pretty rough mate, calfs almost look over trimmed and too short but I think if you lift them up and secure to your undersuit so they sit higher but still overtop of the boots it would look much better fitting.

I'd also velcro the forearms a bit higher to close up the elbow gap.

That would be my advice for basic legion approval 

But these with these pics not liking your chance of approval sorry

Seem like easy fixes

I just noticed I can see one of your shoulder straps in left side pic it appears way to long which is making your front armor drop

But again once you line the kidney and ab together you'll see a big difference although it's not part of the crl to join them it would help line everything up . I suggest getting that lined up and adjuststrapping from chest to ab and shoulder straps

I'd add concerning your comment that it fits the same as your TK? No It doesn't at all. Your TK fits beautifully and I'm surprised how different the fit is

No offense intended but the fit in these photos needs a lot of work the crl is a visual guide so even though it doesn't mention "fit" how it looks visually is what we refer to when we say fit looking at gaps etc 

You clearly know how to fit it properly going off your TK pics I'm not sure how you dont agree with the issues here?

I get your frustration I think I had the longest SWAT process in the history of MEPD 😆 get a friend to help line it up n fitting right for pics and you should be good but the way it is in pics here everything just looks wrong 

Yourself and the GML might not agree on some things but I'm sure you can both agree it doesn't look right 

Please feel free to msg me if you have questions 

What I see are easy fixes 




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