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Hey guys , just started my account on here and was hoping to actually join MEPD soon, but I have no idea what to do now. I have no idea how to get a costume together and I don't make enough money to even buy one. I'm not all that crafty but I sure can use all the advice I can get at this point. Thanks guys!!

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Hey Corey. First of all, welcome to the MEPD.

Here you will find a welcoming community and what there is to know about how to become a Sandtrooper.

Including how to make or get a set of armor.

It is indeed an expensive hobby, but depending on how patient you are and how you do your research, and with the help of the community here, you can achieve becoming a sandtrooper either slowly, or in an affordable way. or both.

But we are here to help for sure.

For a start, why not check this thread here:


Some links might be broken, but most of the info needed is there.

Read and get to know what your plans and possibilities are. Some makers might be willing to design a payment plan for troopers who can't pay up front. Just be patient, friendly and get involved in the community. I am sure you will find the help you are needing.

Let us know if you need anything else.


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Hi Corey,

Congratulations on taking your first step into the MEPD world, Timing is up to you and your budget but get to know people here and you never know what might come up.

This is a fantastic community of guys and gals from all over the world who make you feel very welcome and part of the group no matter how long you have been with them or your level of costume.

your going to love it here so stay active and see you in the forums.

Cheers from down under

Glenn DW

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Okay guys, I've been contacting people to get armor (and at least trying to set up a payment plan) and no one has gotten back to me or anything. And now I'm debating that if I should even try to do this because the more I look up the supplies and stuff that I need...I'm going to go in debt because of it lol. But I'm trying to just figure out what to do, and I still have no idea where to go to look up this stuff (let alone make the armor).

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Don't get discouraged. It's a pretty busy time of the year with the Winter Holiday/New Years coming up, which is probably why you haven't received a reply yet from the armor vendors. Just be patience and I'm sure you will get a response soon. As for going into debt, welcome to the club... Just kidding. This hobby can get pretty expensive, but it really depends on which costume you are doing, how much you are going to try to create yourself (e.g. neckseal, canvas built, etc.) and your desired time frame to actually complete it.

I always recommend new members to read all the info they can at the different detachments that specializes on their costume and to take their time. If you are doing a Sandtrooper, MEPD is a must, but you may also want to register on the FISD http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/, which has a lot of Work In Progress', Tutorials, and helpful info on building "Stormtrooper" type armor and helmet kits. You might also want to contact your local GML, who can provide more helpful info (e.g. suggestion of local members that can personally help you and/or upcoming armor/blaster parties).

Hopefully this was somewhat helpful and best of luck.

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