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Everything posted by oo-tee-dee!

  1. It's a flat 2D technical drawing of a Lewis - not everyone has the modelmaking skill to turn that into a 3D properly sized and scaled gun, and for only $20????
  2. I did http://www.mepd.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2877
  3. Aaaaarghhhh! I knew this would happen - I waited and waited and had a couple of troopers interested, so I PMd them both after a while and only one responded, so I've JUST ordered ONE for him today.....so if you want one too I'll have to order another one seperately, and you will be hit with the full handling and packing charge - if you'd posted a day earlier you guys could have split it between yourselves. PM me if you want me to get one for you too.
  4. That may have to do then, thanks guys - better to use those refs over "thingumajig" and "round bit" etc
  5. HELP I need some info on the Field pack (the screen accurate one). I already know the radio box and tool box but what is the exhaust port for, are the loo cistern and bellows for some sort of air filtration? What about the cup attached to the bellows? What's the bee stinger tub classed as? And the Mortar tube and jug lid, what are they for? And the cup next to the exhaust port? Wookiepedia offers no explanations....... Ta
  6. Excellent pic, can you email me the PSD file (if you did it in Photoshop), would like to get a decent print of that rache[at]tk2441.co.uk
  7. What's it made of? Resin or vac-formed? Can you get the end of the barrel changed as it's not normally that narrow - other than that If it weighs less than mine I'll be jealous - I'll give you a shift with mine at CE and see if you survive
  8. Ahhhhh OK.....couldn't find any movie screen grabs to see what those guys used.... PS here is what I got by Googling "large jugs"
  9. Is there limited changing space, I've not heard anything yet about where we are changing, who we will be sharing with (ie European troopers) and how much room we are getting....
  10. No not the breasts I've noticed that my Tupperware jug lid seems quite small on the mortar tube, compared to other packs I've seen....I'm presuming my mortar tube is the right size, as it fits the Thermal Det bits....but is there a larger size Tupperware lid out there? I only really saw the one size on eBay so that's what I bought....
  11. Is the sand only stuck on with hairspray? Mebbe try a stronger fixative as I reckon it would come off easily if bumped and rubbed....
  12. Noooooo don't call me that! I have a big gun, remember - and it's not wise to upset a Redhead
  13. It's OK I found em on the dented helmet
  14. Can someone post up here a screen grab of the back view of the TDs as they enter Docking Bay 94 to raid it? The scene where the TD is saying "alright men, load your weapons". Ta
  15. That looks ace, perfect sand effects with a bit of "wet sand" in there too. Who's the lucky trooper? Post final pics when it's being worn on them!
  16. Just checked out the DEPLOYED page. Am I the first MEPD deployed girlie? 501st page updated now BTW...
  17. Alex H has just granted clearancem I have his email if you want to see it - but do I have to wait till my 501st profile is updated?
  18. The pauldron at the minute is a bit of a nightmare, its a basic eBay one and is too big - roll on Uncle Seth's smaller custom made on, which will be a MUCH better fit *hint hint* Seth, how's the pauldrons going
  19. FULL NAME: Rachel Georgina Smith (don't laugh at middle name please) 501st TD ID 2441 LOG IN NAME oo-tee-dee GARRISON - UK Garrison *EMAIL - rache[at]tk2441.co.uk *WEB SITE www.tk2441.co.uk
  20. FINISHED See all pics here http://www.tk2441.co.uk/weathering/final.htm Will also repost on deployment forum. http://www.mepd.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=34958#34958 SO CHUFFED!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. All that's left is the backpack to weather now. The camera light has messed with the colours somewhat, so it all looks a lot gingery than what it really is. Expect pics of me wearing all this stuff later tonite, and the lighting will be better too as we'll do them outside
  22. So I had a go at making a "pack bag" to protect it in transit to Troops. I wanted to be able to wear it but have it concealed and padded, so I got a sheet of 1" foam and an authentic ESB quilt cover (sacrilige I hear you cry!), stitched the foam to the cover, folded it over and stitched it down the side and along the top. Then I cut an upper and lower slot into it where the pack straps are - so you simply slip the pack into the bag, undo the straps, poke them through the slits and fasten them again. There is a bit of velcro to close the bottom and bring the foam around the base of the pabk, then you just sling it over your shoulder and off you go! (Looking like the Hunchback of Notre Dam )
  23. Only 6 troops! Was gonna go claean for longer but once the T-21 was finished I had to convert in order to troop with it. Plus I wanted to be Sandy for CE There'll be too many clean TKs there, I wanted to stand out a bit
  24. Hahahah well I had one last small troop in it on the Sat then on the Sunday we got up in the morning and Steve sort of just got on with it. Was scary seeing the first coat going on, and by the second coat it was definitely "no turning back". I planned to go Sandy anyhow I just thought it wouldn't be so soon - but the pending CE and my new T21 brought it forward a bit!
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