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Everything posted by macnolo

  1. I agree, I just asked if "they" want to put a geographical limitation
  2. Well, I think it would be best to ask the future members;) It seems a good idea, I imagine that geographical location would not be an inconvenience to belong to the squadron or patrol, or am I wrong?
  3. Enhorabuena Hermano!! Estamos orgullosos de contar con un nuevo P.O. en la Dewback Patrol de la Spanish Garrison Congratulations Brother!! We are proud to have a new P.O. In the Spanish Garrison Dewback Patrol
  4. Cool design! I like it, I prefer with the sand on dewback, but anyway i will buy it Great Job, Bro´!
  5. Pinta bien JuanLu! Pronto tendremos otro P.O. en la Dewback Patrol Looking Good JuanLu! We will have another P.O. in the Dewback Patrol, soon!
  6. Congratulations Brother !! Your work improves the Dewback Patrol !! Now for the next Enhorabuena Hermano!! Tus esfuerzos mejoran la Dewback Patrol!! Ahora a por el siguiente
  7. I agree with Fraulein. It seems logical and coherent, as it does with Stormtroopers and their different versions; ANH, ROJT or ESB, there may be different versions of our Sandtroopers. But we must clearly limit the minimum specifications and requirements to be a Sandtrooper R1. I offer to help in any way that is considered appropriate. Estoy de acuerdo con Fraulein. Parece logico y coherente, que igual que ocurre con los Stormtroopers y sus diferentes versiones; ANH, ROJT or ESB, puedan existir diferentes versiones de nuestros Sandtroopers. Pero debemos de limitar claramente las espicificaciones mínimas y exigencias para ser un Sandtrooper R1. Me ofrezco para ayudar de la forma que se considere oportuna.
  8. Look great! Great work with TM armor and T21 is amazing. Good luck in your request!
  9. Roger, Roger!! Felice, Thank you for your directions and help. The first round in La Cantina is paid!! A big hug Bros!
  10. Hi Felice, In my DLT I have 4 wires. First send 2 photos only with 2 wires, which can be found earlier in this post and I corrected because missing 2 more. Then send the last picture in the 4 wires is. I again attach the photos before and after so you can check it. In the pictures I left my pen to prove it is my DLT. Thank you very much for your time and help corrections. A hug Bro!
  11. Hi Felice!! Here you are Sorry Bro Thxs for your time!! Macnolo
  12. Hi SandBros, I update the post to submit the requested changes: 1) Weathering pouches 2) Weathering BackPack 3) Details DLT19 Thxs for your indications
  13. Great! Congratulations!! I visited the park of Paris for 6 times with my family, I would like visit for trooping!
  14. Perfect!! Thank you all for the comments of mind and the report. I'll organize one day to make the above amendments and will upload new photos to update the application. By the way, my birthday is April 24 I hope to buy a round early in the Mos Eisley Cantina Thanks Bros!
  15. 1. Name: Manuel Ladoux 2. 501st TD ID: TD-18814 3. MEPD Forum Name: macnolo 4. Garrison: Spanish Garrison - Dewback Patrol 5. Reference: Captain Cantina Version Weapons: DLT 19 + E-11 Extras: ROM/fx System + Wireless Trooping System + Trooper pen for fines + Spanish Large pouches for fines Hi Bros!, I am requesting deployment with the MEPD here in Dewback Patrol. Please see the attached photos for consideration. It will be great be part of this group if I am approved. I will waiting your comments looking for droids near Mos Eisley, someone gave me information that could be great Best Regards for alls Bros, Macnolo Thxs for your time Macnolo
  16. Hi all! Macnolo, from Spanish Garrison. I received my TK last night. I am very happy with my armor and i will trooping soon, the next saturday! I hope upgrade soon for Police Officer, i all take some photos and i will made my request in few days Best for all and maybe I can meet some of you in London in a few months
  17. Hi, Respectfully requesting 501st access macnolo/ Manuel Ladoux TD 18814 http://www.501st.com/members/displaymemberdetails.php?userID=21500 Thanks!
  18. Great Wookie and Jamacuc0!... well done!
  19. Thanks duchy for your work! I will follow this topic
  20. I like this project PO, I will be very aware of the results to ask for advice in the future. Good luck Jamacuc0!
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