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Everything posted by LoveMonkey

  1. Thanks for the link to the CRL. I'm getting started on it now. Is there anyone with Rogue 1 armor and a pack that could be our model?
  2. From what I understand the CRL is being reviewed by the LMO team, so all we can do is wait for them to finish and then approve it.
  3. I'd like to take a quick moment and thank everyone for their hardwork in getting this CRL done. I'm excited to see a few of you already have this armor complete and ready to be approved. You guys will be the first in a long line of awesome costumes. I'm super excited that this costume will be joining our detachment.
  4. Thanks for the awesome videos and templates. These are a blast to make.
  5. That is so good to see it so close. Can't wait to see the final product!
  6. You links have been photobucket blocked. Any chance of fixing them?
  7. Awesome to see this happening and see the new CRLs get close to being done.
  8. If everyone is on board I can get the CRL updated this week. Just let me know
  9. Off to a good start. Remember that it should be a bit “heavier” on the legs and feet because those areas are closer to the dirt. It should get lighter as you go up towards the helmet
  10. Awesome Tom, can't wait to see them. If you can, use a neutral background and good lighting and I'm sure they'll come out awesome.
  11. Good luck with the weathering, it took me several times to get it right. I did a dry brush technique and that seemed to be the easiest. But whatever works for you. Just remember that you want the natural sand look and not too heavy
  12. We talked about doing this but we got quite a bit of backlash. I thought we decided on ROTJ for all levels
  13. Ok, here is the updated CRL with the pauldron. I never got any other pictures, so there are still the older ones there. Let me know if there are any issues. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0By8lcQRTywc9R1MxU0RCOFlFM3c
  14. You could always make your own. There’s a great tutorial for the 19 and I’m having lots of fun making one currently
  15. Awesome, thank you. I'll be at Salt Lake Comic Con for the next few days, so I'll have time next week
  16. Awesome, thanks. The more plain, neutral background you can use the better and easier it will be to photoshop.
  17. So I used Magmatrooper's already photoshopped pictures for the main display picture but they weren't the best quality. We just need s higher quality front and back of whoever will be our model. I did look at the ones you sent me but there are rebel kill markers on the back of the helmet, I wasn't sure if we could use them with those stickers
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