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Everything posted by netslave

  1. I've got a lot of little things I want to do to the armor soon. But for the time being, I liked the look of the 4 buttons on the FX. And I just want to get out there trooping for now.
  2. Mission Completed! Submitted to 501st for approval tonight!
  3. I sure did. Worked great. I have some fuller's earth coming, so I may top it off with some sprinkles of that here and there, but I'm pretty happy with the outcome.
  4. Nevermind, I had the brilliant idea of actually looking in the pouch forum and found this: http://forum.mepd.net/index.php?showtopic=12976#entry165709 Feel free to delete.
  5. I've been digging though threads, and for the life of me, I can't see how to mount the shoulder pouch effectively. Pointers, please!! I'm looking to submit for 501st approval by Wednesday.
  6. I found an 8x6x3 project box in stock at a local radio shack, and for $8.99, it was well worth the purchase compared to buying the same thing on trooperbay for 12.99. But when I went to ring it up, it was actually $4.50. I guess there's a promo going on, so be sure to pick one or two up this week if you need any.
  7. picked some up today. Thanks.
  8. I need to put a coat of white on my armor after adding some shims and bondo and such. Should I go with a white gloss? Or semi gloss since it'll be weathered anyway.
  9. I figure I may do something like this. Let me know if I'm way off base before I go cutting.
  10. ok, so I'm adding shims, but I'm not sure where I should add the rivets. My plan is to permanently attach the shims to either the kidney or the ab plate. Then attach the shim to the other with snaps. should I put the rivets in the back? (the shim and the kidney), or on the ab? Or both? Should I make it look like it's two pieces, using bondo and painting to blend the pieces? Should I do it to both and have them meet in the middle? And should the shim attach to the butt plate at all? Too many questions!
  11. Here's the armor I'm working on. I'm sure I'll be fine. I test fitted it to me tonight and it seems like it'll work. Just maybe needs something to secure the codpiece from moving under the belt.
  12. Cool, I'll post some pics when I get home, but that leaves me hopeful for now!
  13. I am working on fitting the armor I just purchased, and the codpiece is separate from the Ab Plate. I've added straps/snaps to secure it, but I haven't fitted the belt yet, and I'm curious how people handle this. I can edge the belt down over the seam where the cod/ab meet, but I'm afraid it'll look too low. From what I can tell, the bottom of the belt should basically be right on the seam, which means the seam between the Cod and Ab may show. I'd like to avoid adding more plastic to the cod, or permanently attaching it to the Ab Plate (I like the bit of extra movement it gives while separate pieces). How do y'all handle that type of situation?
  14. Ah, there's my confusion. Thanks. I was reading from the CRL here: http://www.mepd.net/crl/
  15. No, these are areas of black. I'm either seeing the undersuit, or black elastic.
  16. On the CRL, for basic clearance, I noticed that the Ab Plate and the Kidney Plate need to butt up together, leaving no gap. But I've seen some approved pics of Police Officers with gaps, some as large as a few inches. Is a gap acceptable at all?
  17. I'll be doing one of these this summer. Glad to see this tutorial!
  18. I bought two sets. @350 prior to the 4th, how could I not? We'll have to wait until November/Dec probably for delivery, but man, it's a great deal. Even at 450. And I'm certain the quality will be top notch.
  19. netslave

    Seed Trays

    I'm in for a set!
  20. Well, I ran to both Lowes and Home Depot and I guess they swapped them out here too. At least I have my old ones!
  21. I have 2 of the old style bluish Frost King, and 5 of the brown ones that I bought last year at Lowes here in Texas. They've been used on the houses I take care of. I've seen the pyramid as well. If I happen to run across some, I'll pick them up and let y'all know.
  22. This one is on Amazon. http://www.amazon.com/Thermwell-Products-FC2-Faucet-Cover/dp/B004434KGE/ref=pd_sim_60_3?ie=UTF8&refRID=004Q04Y8FG81PBK59HMB And this one is usually available at Lowes: http://static.frostking.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/FC2.jpg
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