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Everything posted by tk7602

  1. yeah, the one good thing about this is to have almost all the "big players" in the conversation at once. all we need is GF to get over there and we'll have everyone in one big virtual room. personally, TE, GF, GINO, TM, AP... they are all great suits... i think the best one is the one you have access to / can afford. they all come in at different levels of price and availability, and they all look the part just fine (imo)
  2. i know how to settle this... everyone involved, send me 1 complimentary suit of the armor. i'll then do a detailed review, and decide arbitrarily which one i like better. seriously.
  3. looks awesome! so did you take the plastic window out of the hengstler? that was a tricky area for me... i didn't like the beige border around the window, but didn't want to remove it either. i ended up hunting down a black 4 digit hengstler. i had a similarly wacky looking rig for drying mine, though i didn't bother breaking it down before i painted it. brian
  4. i guess so. i feel bad about ditching TCF for the parade, but i already committed to going with the browncoats before i joined up over there. but the same heat thing holds true. i did TK and Boba at dragoncon, and tusken at disney. i'm good with a no mask costume this year.
  5. So you'll be at the TCF party Sat. Night also then?? and how come I never made the connection before that you were here too hahaha <- Sweetness on TCF boards. man, i can't get away from you TCF people! all over the dented helmet, all over here.... sheesh. straightedge here.
  6. alright folks, we're in the final month! still not sure if my sandy will be able to come. it really depends on how many people in our car. if we don't have a 3rd passenger, that gives me more room for armor still though, us dirty folk should at least try to get together!
  7. i've only just started reading these threads because my next project is going to be a proper BFG for my TD (right now i'm using a thrown together PVC mg-15 that i've never been happy with). my guess as to why the cushman is usually looked at so negatively is that most folk on specialty forums like this one are striving for uberaccuracy. for example: my 2 trooping E11s are a hyperfirm and a demiled sterling, and i've replaced the hengstler 3 times trying to get just the right look. in my opinion, it's not that it's a bad product, it's just not a highly accurate replica prop. there's a place for both, but my take on it, when i go to the "definitive mg-34 guide", i'm looking for how many millimeters across the vent holes are. the same thing happens on most boards i read... the bulk of the people on there are the real obsessives who can't sleep at night because the ribs on their blasters aren't on right (this is me... got back up at 2am because i knew something was wrong. yeah, i'm a loser, i know ) i think it's important to keep both sides of the split informed, but i tend to think that budget projects and ultimate accuracy projects are 2 totally different beasts with little to no overlap.
  8. the mg34 does look a lot better all finished up than i would have expected. i think it's great that there's a reasonably priced option out there. it's not my thing personally, but i'm really glad it's out there!
  9. Yep, its my first D*con, and I'm only going to take two costumes. The Sandtrooper & my BSG OD costume. Could someone familiar with the con suggest a convenient spot for an informal MEPD toast? most folks hang out at the bar in the hyatt lobby. it's pretty crazy down there, but you can find the people you are looking for. especially if anyone is in costume.
  10. i'll be there, but i don't know if i'm bringing my sandy. i've really only got car space for TD or Boba, and I have to admit that Boba's probably going to win.
  11. that's looking great. so what, were you a clean stormie for a month before joining the dirty side?
  12. i've been letting mine weather itself, and have been getting happier as i go. part of my weathering process was to lightly sand all of the armor. no more glossy abs for me. as a result, real scuffs and dirt don't so much come out anymore. my armor has gotten all sorts of messy after a few troops.
  13. looks great! i won't be going to c4, so someone wait in a long line for me!
  14. i had long hair up until a couple of months ago. i lopped it off to better suit some non bucketed costumes i was working on (bsg and firefly). i was wondering what the blue pauldrons were all about. now i know. i'm a black pauldron sort of guy. dirty, of course
  15. i had a beast of a time getting my E-11 from bill. it came eventually, but took months and months. 8 of them or so.
  16. looking great so far! i really need to make a new one... mine isn't so good really
  17. i love that hengstler mount! i wish i hadn't done mine ahead of yours... i'd have shamelessly stolen your idea!
  18. lookin' good! i went with the bent one myself, so i can't offer any suggestions. i riveted straight into the solid reciever.
  19. del ray was at new york comiccon, and had a few copies of the book to flip through. but i was trooping as fett at the time, and boba isn't so good at reading books. i'm all pre-ordered though, so soon enough i'll have it!
  20. i'm a big fan of the "dusty" weathering look myself. great job!
  21. i'll give you $50 for it. heck, i'm feeling generous... how 'bout $100 and i'll even split the cost of shipping 50/50 with you so that you don't have to front it all!
  22. fresh from my bookmarks list! http://www.partsofsw.com/e11guide.htm as far as i know, the m32/m19 and the m40/m38 are externally the same, with different optics. i got an m40, since that's what i could find if you follow that guide, which scope you use depends on what other parts you're going to tack on.
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