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Everything posted by ghoulcinder@hotmail.co.uk

  1. Cheers Panda, Dutchy and bdgr! Sorry for the late reply, I've been rather busy lately (obviously, haha )
  2. Marcel found this one in 2008: http://www.deactivated-guns.co.uk/detail/lewis_gun.htm
  3. Thank you Anthony! You congratulations with the graduation of your kid, and good luck!
  4. Thank you for the congratulations guys! She's indeed a Star Wars fan in the making, the Force is strong in this one (Now to hope she'll love Sandtroopers as much as I do )
  5. Oh wow! That's amazing Gibbon! Excellent progress!
  6. Hello all! Firstly, I want to apologise for my absence, I've been very busy the past days and I haven't really had time to check the forums at all. Now, let's get to the point. After nine very long and difficult months, I'd like to introduce everyone to our daughter, Evelyn! She was born by c-section at 23:48 on the 25th of October, she weighed 3.48kg (7 pound 10) and was roughly 45cm long.
  7. I have no words, you look awesome! Very wonderful job on your sandtrooper mate, very well done! Now enjoy and have fun trooping once you're cleared!
  8. Wow! Tha.... it's just.. I don't know.. AMAZING! Wonderful job! I most certainly hope this is the standard you set for the entire blaster
  9. I personally hadn't seen it on any TDs yet, I personally quite like it. It seems like that indeed, not very successfully but I'm sure no one would notice it as long as you don't go through the scenes pausing it every second
  10. Ah that looks like a great idea as well, Steffen. I'll really have to explore the options once I get around helmet building
  11. Ah yes I see indeed, that looks great actually. I'm thinking of putting the tape on myself once I start building mine (eventually).
  12. I saw you used a brass scope indeed, it's awesome, very detailed! I'm a great fan of dry brushing, personally I used a very bright daylight lamp when dry brushing, gives you a perfect view on what you're doing
  13. That's a totally awesome looking blaster! I really love the details and your weathering, excellent job! Did you us a metallic undercoat, or did you dry-brush (or whatever method) after your sprayed it black?
  14. I personally hadn't seen it before, might be a nice touch though (as weird as it sounds!) I haven't really look at the pouch configuration that much, I was actually looking at tube stripes at that moment
  15. Some TDs This one as URL since I couldn't upload it due to it's size;
  16. When looking through some TD scenes trying to spot some details, I ran into tape on the shoulder bell, however it only appears for like 3 seconds, and the next scene it appears to be gone, anyone got an idea?
  17. Thank you for your reply, Gladius! Day lenses sounds like a good idea, could give that a try, I believe they're quite cheap too, I should get my eyes tested first as I've got no idea what my prescription is anymore, it's like 4 years ago when they were measured, -2.75 and -3.25 back then.
  18. Here are some screenshots of some TKs aboard the Tantive IV in the first scene of ANH, quite diverse.
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