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Cantina Security

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Posts posted by Cantina Security

  1. Nice white bumps. I'm doing the cantina sergeant as well. I would think you need a bit more weathering. Pull up the shots of the TD's behind the scenes and try to mimick the patterns of weathering for that particular trooper. That is if your going for SWAT . They switched the armor quite a bit so do the best you can tracking it down.

    Also check the other SWAT threads for the cantina sergeant , my thread has some nice photos as well.

    Good luck.

  2. Ha, funny... Don't get any water or soap on my armor... Just kidding. I started just base approval then went Police Officer. I ygotta go for swat though. I gotta be Davin Felth, in the cantina. It's my life long dream... And I love TD.

    So your question. I like TD better because , all the components. Pauldron packs, belt packs, back packs. Weathering. Just awesome stuff. Plus the TD are all chill in the movie, other TK are all falling down shafts and running into doors, closing them when they should be opening them... Don't get me wrong I lovevTK too, just feel so much more beef in the TD. Now, the back pack, a couple trays, some pastic some pipe. Nuttin to it right? Wrong, that dang thing is heavy. Hands down the most uncomfortable thing about my TD. Chest strap. Two words that will help your back and shoulders. One thing about the TK , comfort, and a hair more mobility. Two to three hours in the TD, and the pack is killin my shoulders and back. But, if troopin was easy, everybody would be doing it.

    Still, TD is my favorite. Even with the pain, when a kid came up to me in a hand full of TK and said you are the best, cause you've got battle damage , I knew I was on point. The whole look of a TD compared to a TK, just has the whole special ops feel. I love it and say... Go TD, it will look great on you... I guarantee it!

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