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Cantina Security

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Posts posted by Cantina Security

  1. 5 hours ago, troopermaster said:

    Special Edition troopers wear ROTJ armour. If you are replicating this version of trooper then you should wear ROTJ armour. It's pretty simple really. There is no point going SE otherwise, just stay ANH.

    I felt strongly this way as well , until I realized that even in the SE film, there are the OT troopers Wearing ANH armor. I do feel SWAT standard should be particular to the troopers featured in the reference photo.  This makes it practical for new recruits . Although, I don't see a huge demand in this particular version.

  2. Ok, my input is SE, needs to be SE. I don't mind the ANH armor being used, but, the other ROTJ /SE details should be followed. Frown paint, trap details, tube stripes and ab button details and heavier weathering. These are modifications that can be made fairly easy. Definetly have it worded to where it is very evident base level approval " ANH" ( without the edging ) style armor is not up to level two - three standards. Drop boxes should be optional, and the knee plate also optional.  Backpack should be optional and required only for level 2-3. 


    I also agree with screen accuracy and MEPD being very poinient in defining the different levels of approval. I don't think we should lower the standards , but make it more of a prestigious build , SE, and have its very distinct differences than OT ANH.  Just my opinion. I want to see this come to life and agree that it will help make SE more achievable,. With proper attention to details. Mainly the already mentioned details above and earlier in this thread. 

  3. Figured I'd share my Latest photoshoot whilst on the look out for those blasted droids. Had A blast. going for another shoot this spring if any of you Sand Brothers are in the area of Kill Devil Hills in May. Here is a taste of what we did last time. Enjoy Fellas!



















    More To Come !

  4. Coming along nice!

    There you go....once you bring the chest up the few inches you'll be a million times better. Throw the pauldron and ammo pouch on to give us the full effect when your done. Keep in mind you can always recut if you need to....just can't add back....doing it multiple times until you hit the desired result is ok :)

    And good looking out Rick!

  5. That is a good reference for "look sir droids" notice the colored ear bumps. I think the Cantina Security Sergeant is a bit lighter in weathering. Just a bit. Just my opinion of course , but the flame pattern on the head is Davin Felth, so, him being the White Pauldron trooper in the cantina, one would think it should be this helmet.... But alas, I don't think it was. Where they swaped armor so much, it's hard to say who had what in some scenes. We will figure it out. I like the photo of the TDs with the helmets off, by the dew back. That one really let's you see the individual sets of armor side by side and compare weathering patterns.

    Pm incoming.

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