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Everything posted by TK-459

  1. I've kind of been on a pouch rampage today. For better or worse, I decided that I wanted a more Stolla Wien style flap. I made a template: Norwegian MP40 pouch mod Template 300dpi and ended up with this: The bottom of the flaps are more narrow than the Stolla Wien so I had to scale the cut. I didn't want to take off too much so I decided not to mess with the existing upper cut. Scary.
  2. Kind of a funky site but this place lists it too... http://www.turtlefeathers.com/text/ange ... n-dye.html They also list a matte finisher if you wanted it even more dull.
  3. I got it from this place, but its a local store so you would have to call about it. http://www.borderleather.com/ I'll check around the web a bit and see if there is an online supplier.
  4. If anyone is having an issue dying their pouches, this dye worked great for me. I really didn't want the pouches too shiny and this gave me a great near-matte finish. I used theGreatSot's pouches and even though they already had a color on them, the leather really drank up the dye well. It is called Angelus Jet Black Leather Dye. After applying the dye to the cleaned and slightly dampened pouches, I let it dry and then I applied Angelus Satin Acrylic Finisher to seal it. It appears shiny at first but once you rub it in and let it dry it looks great. The dye does not come off at all.
  5. That's what I thought when we were painting that one, Lewis said not to wood-grain it. sorry bro. No sweat, I just appreciate having it, so thanks a lot for your hard work over there. The woodgrain or bakelite finishes do look good, but I am just having a hard time convincing myself that either of those finishes were used in ANH. Unless I've missed some definitive conclusion, it's difficult to tell. I've messed with the screenshots several times and the eyedropper gives me similar hues in the stock as other areas of the gun. There's a super slight hint of a brown in some areas, but I've found it in the black areas too which kind of makes me think its just the film.
  6. Sure did. Sorry if I outbid anyone here. I actually didn't realize it was coming from him until after the bid since I caught the auction right before it was going to end, but that worked out cool since I got to go up and visit him.
  7. I have a lot of catching up to do in my build up threads and such, but I have been steadily working on my armor towards becoming a Sandtrooper. I've wanted one of these for quite a while and finally pulled the trigger ( ) on it. I wanted to share my latest aquisition.... I'm still on the ropes whether I want a black stock/grip or woodgrain. It's so difficult to tell from the screengrabs, but I'm leaning towards darker. More to come.
  8. I just want to add that I have recently discovered that it is really a four-tone weathering (or six if you include the fullers). It's easy to take white for granted, but the base white tone is as critical to the overall look as the weathering top-layers.
  9. Right on, cool read. I really hope that action figure thing pans out, which it looks like it will. I don't know you personally yet, but you have been super cool in helping me, and of course your gear is top notch.
  10. Wow! I'm in late but that armor looks great!!
  11. I use large Pelican cases. They are pricey but they are awesome and very durable.
  12. lol, it's all good, just a little (unnecessary) horn tooting.
  13. That color looks better. I've been on the fence about painting my armor since the beginning. I wish this was addressed when I got my set, but as mentioned earlier it's good to see AP listening to the constructive criticism. I'd take the .60, it looks great.
  14. Sweet. Great way to get em out of storage and onto the wall! Those are some nice weapons you got there.
  15. Cough Harbor Freight #32157 Flexible-Spout The part is easily trimmed. /edit - I just saw Mike posted a web order link for this part above.
  16. You can also run thick zip ties through slits in the edges. They can be covered by electrical tape or accessories.
  17. I used a solid strip that attaches at the existing bolts at the ear. Its great for ventilation but can fold in with high winds.
  18. Before you go tearing into it, I would suggest first seeing if you can pull the brow up a bit by hand. I did it to mine without cutting and got the look I wanted. If you are a big high brow follower then you will likely have to work on it. Personally, I am not and like a lower brow. Other than that, I (personally) would not be overly concerned with minor details, as each helmet is a bit different. The original helmets have a range of paint coverage and trim issues. Of course, you are the one who should be happy with it.
  19. Nice. Its interesting seeing some of those build materials...never seen em over here.
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