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Everything posted by Misfit

  1. Fixed the pic issue. Here's some more.
  2. Fuller earth for the sand look, airbrush grimy black for the sticker residue
  3. Gloves and hand guards complete.
  4. Ok guys. Getting to a good place where I can start showing this build. I almost stroke out when I think of if I'm doing this wrong. This is my FIRST TD. Let me know what you guys think. Up first is my pack. No weathering yet, just assembly. Well minor assembly, Rick did most of it when he sent it to me. Next is my weathering and build job on my helmet. Just need to put in the lense and mic tips back in. Let me know what you guys think.
  5. Thanks Pete. That's exactly what I'm gonna do!
  6. Great advice but man I'm nervous. I have AP armor and I'm 5'9 and 170. I was hoping for not trimming at all but looks like ill have to. Maybe cut it after approval to troop?
  7. So I need to trim the top of the back of my shins and this bottoms of the back of my thighs. If I do so will it keep me from making officer or swat status? I'm talking about cutting a small rectangle in the band area so I can bend and not walk around like Frankenstein. Thanks guys Dave
  8. Well dang, a long haul from Indiana. I was hoping Orlando.
  9. Lol that's great! I'd be down for one
  10. Hahah, out of all those corrections....I've at least done one. I did drill the holes under the folding stock. Thanks for the tips. I'm on it !
  11. I'm working on my first sandy. Move along captain. I have everything except the armor which is on its way as I type this! *well and painting 2 full armor paint job commissions of Boba Fett
  12. Lol! Thanks so much for that man! I just realized I forgot to email you on those snaps. Sending pm
  13. Thank you for the kind words!
  14. Thanks DC, correcting in progress.
  15. Thank you gents! Yes it is a DD. @DC, so just clean up the tracks w some black? @Rick, thank you man. I really appreciate that.
  16. I completed my E-11. I looking for some feedback. I know some E-11's are more of a satin color. I made mine more of a flat color using a base of gun metal, darkening a bit with flat black, rust, bronze and silver weathering. I'm a veteran of the Iraq war and know what my rifle looked after a day in the sand before I cleaned it. I did the same thing wit this blaster. I used a light dusting of tan color. Please let me know if this assembling and paint up is up to code. Thanks guys Dave
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