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Everything posted by td7603

  1. what do you think? suggestions, theories? i will be adding most of the accessories shown here. not the M4, but the o2 tanks, tusken re-breathers, pouches, etc. might have an issue with the Bedouin type cloak though. not sure what to use... and make it look, "real"
  2. saw these pics a while ago, and found this at SDCC in 2009. the red one looks very much like what this armor looked like last st. paddys day parade that i based on the Imperial Commando armor. eitehr way here is what i have thus far.
  3. oh, i know that guy! his custom stuff ROCKS!!!!!!
  4. I too want to know how this was done.
  5. Done. click below. FACEBOOK Group
  6. cool. the group has been deleted. be better to make a GROUP page instead of a single page. people can become fans of and join the page. I can assist with this if you want?
  7. There was a ton of members on there, and now I cannot seem to find the MEPD Facebook page. anyone have a link?
  8. ok, ready? im always here to help. replace glove with all black flight gloves or all black gloves im not sure whats going on below your cod piece, can you supply closer pics? your thighs should be a bit higher up on your legs, so adjusting how they are connected would help. please take a pic of how your thighs are connected to the rest of the armor. your forearms seem to be big. add some padding on the inside. use foam or wads of duct tape taped inside so they fit better. there should be space between your handplates and your armor. your shoulder pauldron (the white thing around your neck) strap should be under your armpit. the black pouch should be slid to one side or moved to be mounted on your backpack strap over your left shoulder or attached to your shoulder strap. Other than that it looks awesome! are you using the rubbed shoulder straps or canvas or leather ones? weathering ,looks awesome as well.
  9. i was recently told that my kit might be an earlier AA kit. can anyone verify? what details should i look for if this is so? I always thought it was a RF kit.
  10. well you can only run for CO. the other positions are appointed.
  11. ive asked some of the older deploy-able troopers locally to see if they'd liek to take the reins this year. I guess, we'll just have to wait and see.
  12. thought it looked "tubular" its crazy it comes with all those extra parts that were not available back when the FX first came out. knees, cheese grater plates, ab section, etc.
  13. Someone sent me these pics in an email asking if its any good. It looks liek an upgraded FX kit to me. anyone heard of it? the person said its a tupperware Tk kit.
  14. I would like to input my opinions as your XO for the 2009 MEPD fiscal year. Mike you have done an excellent job the last few years. We talked a few months back about the "future" and knew you weren't gonna continue the role. Sad to see you go, but Life gets in the way. If I was able I would run this year, but I cannot. I was also gonna suggest Rolf step up to run for DL, as hes been a great help during my time in office. I tried hard to get lots of the older TD's with incorrect armor to get up to code, and they really don't care about upgrading their FX helmets or drop boxes, dirt etc. Shame. I like the JRS deal, but I would also agree that it has some problems. Either way the MEPD is strong and we will continue to push forward, we will live on strongly to continue to help others to make the best TD armor kit possible. here's to another fine year at the MEPD. I salute you Mike.
  15. Happy New Years! Lets hoping for an excellent 2010! see you around the galaxy!
  16. the guys in the UK garrison have done some wonderful awesome things....
  17. ready? first congrats! this how i've learned to do it. undersuit and neckseal boots calves thighs/lower armor upper armor to include shoulders biceps (at this point you would put on your pack if you have one) gloves forearms hand plates BAM! sandtrooper! i hope this helps!
  18. trust me, I'm working on it. thank you all for the weathering advise over the years as well. Rolf, your kit still rocks!!!
  19. ..that due to sudden personal reasons, it is with great sadness that I need to step down as your Executive Officer. I love this job, and was very proud to have it and be given the opportunity to healp lead the best and largest detatchment in the entire Legion. I hope I have surpassed your expectations in this position, and hope to serve you again in the near future. I will still be "around", so you can still ask me questions, or for assistance with anything. If you need to get a hold of me directly, please contact me via email: jszarecki@gmail.com
  20. You like? i can make these in mass quantity if needed. shirt color can vary, its just the only blank one i had lying around.
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