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Everything posted by Florida_Phil

  1. Thanks Jestor! I figured you could! Updated photo yet again. Now just missing 2. Anyone? Anyone?
  2. Thanks guys, photo updated to add Tom, Ernie, and Jeremy. Still missing ID's on 5 (well 6, cause I'm not sure on one). 2(3) of them are 69th, so you'd think they would be easy to ID. Anyone else spot someone they know, or them self?
  3. Can I get some help with this? I'm trying to ID all the troopers we had for the photo, and I suck at names and faces. Help me out? Tell me those I'm missing, tell me those I actually got right, tell me those I invariably got wrong?
  4. Sandtrooper photo from the D*C parade. Is it just me, or is that not one dead sexy group of troopers? (Thanks go to Pipes for taking these photos)
  5. Well it's just about that time of year again. Who's going to Dragon*Con, and who plans to be in their Sandtrooper for a group picture before the parade? Me, I'll be there with dirt on!
  6. I must be getting old....
  7. Welcome to the boards Kenneth! Glad you made it over! These are the guys that can help you with basically anything
  8. Welcome! Don't let the dewback stomp on your foot (he's a bit belligerent). You have come to the right place
  9. You might also try switching from RGB color to 256 / index color (less if the image doesn't have a lot of colors, like a logo). This will get rid of a lot of the detailed color and shading, but on a 100x100 pixel image, there isn't going to normally be a lot viewable anyway.
  10. Oh, things have been fairly quite around here. (No this isn't an invitation for anyone to start a flame war!). I'll be seeing you next Saturday No-skillz. I think we have some patrolling to do....
  11. Ahhh! That one always gets a laugh! I started doing it last year, and I'm still not sure if I heard someone else do it first, or just read it somewhere. I've found that I have slowly been developing a spiel of catch phrases and verbal skits that I'll work into a troop. Last troop I was at, I was the only TD there, and the only armor period for a good part of it (dang rebels were everywhere though); gave me a huge chance to work my 'material' as people would only be asking me questions or wanting to talk to me.
  12. Bah, he's just one of those Special Edition Sandtroopers Though honestly, I'm kind of happy that MEPD goes for screen accurate theatrical release, instead of also allowing screen accurate Re-Release.
  13. If you make it out of a bathroom plungers, painted cardboard boxes, frisbees, and bits of old lunchboxes, you are still as good to go for deployment as someone that applies with an actual screen used backpack (yeah right!!). Just as long as it sits on your back, and has a greeblish look to it..... well actually: Though yeah, something that looks kind of like screen used is kind of a source of pride for most members and potential members of this detachment. That said, it looks like a fairly nice backpack to me. No not, screen accurate, but your average fan isn't going to notice, and would probably even like it better than a screen used one. One point though. The one with the guy running with the two royal guards, that looks like it's made of two boxes. The one at the con, facing the fan force table, does not look like it's made of two main boxes. It might just be the camera angle though! -------------------------------------------------------------- Edit, blah, it chooped off my first line: I'm sure some Detachment command will chime in with a definitive soon, but AFAIK you just have to HAVE a backpack, in the style of an ANH backpack.
  14. Well great! Welcome to the boards Al! Yeah, you big guys make the 5'10" guys like me get the aren't 'you a little short' comments. But it's ok! I like to have cover in the desert, and sometimes it's just so flat that I have to take up position BEHIND a TOUS (Trooper of Unusual Size) Sorry, lol. Just teasing, every discussion I'm in lately seems to be about small versus big troopers. Don't mind me at all! Welcome!
  15. Well... this is sandtrooper country and all.... and we only made it into ANH, cause if we had been in the others, Luke would have lost. That said, unless there is something in the extended remastered and digitially screwed with release that I haven't seen (like those 'new' sandies with drop boxes in the desert), TDs don't wear holsters in the movie. Period
  16. Oh good. Glad you got that cleared up! I was starting to worry! Now.. if I can just find a good background, and someone with decent camera skill and lighting to take my MEPD photos.....
  17. Welcome aboard! You couldn't have come to a better place to get started
  18. The description doesn't sound anything like the mic I got with my ROMFX. I used the mic and D*CON, but I was getting some feedback issues, so I swapped it with another since then. (I think the feedback was due to the mic being mounted on my bucket, and the speaker being under the chest, and some type of plastic transit thing going on, nothing really wrong with the mic, just the way it was mounted.) I have to first say that I LOVE my ROMFX. I haven't seen anything I'd trade it for. That said, I'm still making adjustments and trying to find an optimal solution still after months of having it installed, and reconfiguring it. Initially I had the 8AA in the tool kit pouch of my MP-40 on my shoulder, and the electronics in one of the ammo pouches. I mounted the speaker behind my chest plate facing out (speaker side to the ABS) and ran a mini stereo wire extender from the ROM-FX to just under the left edge of my bucket, where I secured the end to act as a quick disconnect for the mic wire coming from my bucket. I mounted the mic in my bucket, and would then get the bucket near my head, connect the mic to the extender, and put it on. This was honestly a pain in the butt. I tried an over the head headset like you have showed, but I have an AP bucket and a normal sized head, so I don't have a lot of room when I'm putting the bucket on, and the over the speaker on the side of the over the head headset added a lot of width I didn't have room for. So I clipped the speaker off the headset, looped the headset part around my neck, and stuck the mic up to my mouth from there. This last method has worked fairly well, but I really want to replace it with a better way of fastening it around my neckseal. I also want to replace the 8AA with some rechargeable battery packs, and mount the packs, and the electronics with the speaker in the front under my breast plate.
  19. Ahhh, let me know if you figure something out! I should have posted, I grabed a lenght of EMT about 3 weeks ago, and layed hands on a pipe bender too with plans to do just what you did. But I hit the same snag that the pipe bender didn't have a small enough bend radius. I guess I could make my open pipe bender with what ever radius I wanted, but I've kind of stalled lately only getting work done
  20. Psst. Mike, I know I don't want that one. I'm looking for a right one It doesn't even have to be available for sale, it's just most that I see are all ready cut, bent, and have back pack parts on them. Trying to get a feel for what a still in the wild frame should look like.
  21. http://cgi.ebay.com/Vintage-Aluminum-Army-...DVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZ ViewItem://http://cgi.ebay.com/Vintage-Aluminu...QQcmdZ ViewItem I keep finding stuff like this. Notice the two stabalizing rods that run through it. I assume this is wrong. Anyone have a link to a closed auction where the RIGHT (or close enough) pack is posted?
  22. Um, you even HAVE to ask a question like that here? Interested, curious to see the photo (and how I'm doing with money in January...... C4... so tempting...).
  23. I loved the video! Don't forget while you are there looking at it to click on the related video of the scout trooper riding a bull Yes that is Florida's GML....
  24. I think there may be a language barrier problem. I'm not sure I understand the question.
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