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Everything posted by jpbasso

  1. Not an exact solution, but check out www.imageshack.us.
  2. I picked up the Radio Shack brand over the weekend just to see if I could get ANYTHING working. It runs on 2 AAA batteries & has both a 3/32 mono connector & a 1/8 mono connector. The 1/8 connection still does NOT work with my amp, but if I plugged the 3/32 into the 3/32 to 1/8 STEREO adapter it works perfectly!! So, anyone interested in one of those Firefox throat mics?
  3. Well I ended up getting kitty litter pans from Target over the weekend. I think they're only around 4 inches deep, which I feel is a bit shallow but too deep to stack them together. All the parts I used Some pics of my pack-in-progress. Things still need to be cut/attached:
  4. The throat mic itself has an earbud built in because it's for an FRS(?) radio. So I first convert it's smaller, stereo jack into the size I need & then break that out into separate mono jacks. At least that's what my intension was. Maybe I'll give Firefox a call on in the morning to get their take on it.
  5. Ok, this is weird. I got the throat mic in the mail, & ran to radio shack to buy some adapters. I got a 3/32 -> 1/8 stereo converter & a stereo -> dual mono converter. The problem is that no matter how I hook it up the mic doesn't work. Instead, the earpiece is acting like a mic! I don't know if it's just incompatible or if I have some wires crossed. I did notice that radio shack carries a brand of throat mics with different adapters built in. I didn't take too close of a look, but I think it was only $15. Any advice on the hookups would be appreciated.
  6. That's doesn't look bad at all, I guess I'll try mixing the colors a bit first. Thanks.
  7. The fiance will be so happy that I'm spending more money on this, lol. I guess it's off to find a new hobby shop this weekend!
  8. Yeah I actually used that tutorial with the paints I bought, but was unhappy with the resulting colors. Are those paints removable like the tempera paints? i.e. do they wash off if I need to fix it?
  9. Question about Tempura paints: Where did you get your paints, & what colors did you grab? I went to the local Michael's(arts & crafts), but they only had general, primary colors. i.e. Black, brown, orange, yellow, white, .... Did you achieve the different browns just by mixing colors together or did you find specific colors someplace else? I fooled around a bit on some spare abs with the black & brown, and while the texturing is nice the colors seems too bright.
  10. Well, the things I bought just aren't gelling together with the items I already bought at Walmart. Specifically, the size of the main two boxes. What did you all use for these two boxes? Or perhaps a better question is what the rough dimensions are, because I haven't been able to find the items listed on the 2 parts-lists I've found.
  11. I just spent my lunch break at one of the Container Store locations. Some things can be a little pricey, but there's some AWESOME parts there. I'll get some pics up of the stuff I bought in the next few days.
  12. I just bought one of these plastic signs from Lowes, it's ABS as far as I can tell.
  13. I think I'll take the Ebay plunge & see what happens. Thanks for the info!
  14. I saw all the Push-to-talk info, & didn't realize that they were simply two-way radios. My concern still stands though because I'm just looking for something to use with my amp/FX box. I couldn't find an email address there, but there's TONS of "throat mics" up on Ebay. Maybe I'll ask some of them.
  15. That sounds awesome, but does it only work with cell phones?
  16. What kind of mic do you all use? The one that came with my amp doesn't seem to be of the best quality. I've been told to use a "directional mic", but I'm not sure what that is.
  17. Blurry picture of both types
  18. I've set ebay to email me whenever leather ammo pouches are put up for auction. In fact, I picked up a single pouch last week for $15.
  19. I use snaps I purchased at Home Depot for my thighs, shoulders, & biceps. Click for larger pictures:
  20. If marstar accepted mastercard I would have placed an order months ago. I found these for around $38 with shipping. Any way to make the canvas more leatherish?
  21. In addition to agree with what everyone else said, here's some pictures. http://bassofeesh.tzo.com/public/costum ... _armor.htm
  22. "But when she finds out it will hurt even more."
  23. I've been thinking about getting something like this if they're the right width(height?).
  24. Yup, got them on saturday. Perfect, thanks!
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