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Everything posted by tk6589

  1. Thanks a lot for the deployment Officer. It's great ! For the Call Sign, let me time for find it
  2. Thanks for the comments The Canvas belt I will do, no problem The bee stinger I did not see this detail on the photo. I just need to move a little bit the bee stinger, no problem This is position of the bee stinger when I troop
  3. Thanks Gordon Here are 3 photos of my blaster:
  4. Michel Perrot TD-6589 Forum name: tk6589 Canadian Garrison Imperial Fortress Squad Armor: ATA Backpack: Dirtyboy Boots: Caboots Blaster: Hasbro modified with doopydoo kit Pouches Anthony Bailey Pauldron: ? (I dont remember)
  5. I wait 501st approbation and I'll see more details for be Police officer
  6. Hi guys, I finished my TD, I used it during last Comic con. Please, I need your reviews for know if it's correct for 501st approbation. Backpack is from DirtyBoy. I added sound system and changed the indicator. I will change my hasbro modified by replica soon. Oups !! the second photo have a tie attached to the backpack. I forgot to remove it Thanks guys
  7. Hi guys, I work on my TD. My project is to make a sergeant. I watched ANH, but I cant see if TD have rank ears (as TK) or not. Can you tell me if I need to paint rank on the ears ? Thanks
  8. Thanks guys I do 5'7 and 152lbs. I saw AP armor yesterday, it's good armor for stormtrooper, AP is more detailed, but with the weathering, the details will be less I think i will choose ATA.
  9. yes, i saw, but AP has same ab plate. Difference... AP is more expensive but i live at 150km of builder, so i will not have shipping ($800) ATA is cheaper ($495 +shipping $60 + decals $20)= $575
  10. Hi there, My next project is a sandtrooper, so i compare some armors. I ask you what's the best armor for make a sandtrooper between ATA and AP armors ? Thanks a lot for your advices.
  11. Requesting 501st access http://www.501st.com/members/displaymemberdetails.php?userID=13639 Name: Michel Perrot ID: 6589 Canadian Garrison (Imperial Fortress squad)
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