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Airborne Trooper

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Posts posted by Airborne Trooper

  1. Is there anyway to add the bread crumbs, i.e. The Mos Eisley Police Department > MEPD.net Feedback like it is displayed at the top of the page, at the bottom? So after someone makes a post you don't have to scroll all the way back to the top to go back to the forum section. It's a minor detail but the functionality is great.

  2. Definitely look at approved SWAT submissions for the best references other than screenshots from the movie. You get a much clearer HD picture from SWAT submissions though. It killed me when I had to take some sandpaper to my beautiful ammo pouches. Just need to scuff them up some so they weren't brand new looking.

  3. The sandie/dewback is only available at Wal-Mart in the US. You can make out the Wal-Mart blue exclusive sticker on my box. I got a second one to take out of the box a few weeks ago and it was marked down to $10. Good luck finding them in store at this point. Might have to look on ebay now.

  4. 2016 Kidz Expo

    Finally did it and had my first troop on Saturday March 5th for the Albany Kidz Expo at the Empire State Plaza. A little funny how my first troop is where I work. Discovered I still have a few areas prone to armor biting and that I should always put in new batteries for my fans at the beginning of a troop! I was super nervous walking out thinking my calves would come undone or my knee plate/thigh ammo belt rubbing would be a huge issue. Once we got out there and the kids (and adults) went nuts, all the anxiety went away. I had such a good time and by the end of the night after getting home I was exhausted. 7 hour troop with a couple breaks was a great way to jump in feet first.

  5. SInce you guys are in the middle of your builds, regardless of your preferred strapping methods you choose, remember for Police Officer (Level 2) you're going to need the bolts showing on the exterior like it would with the original strapping method. Just put that into consideration if you plan on going anything higher than basic.

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