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Everything posted by xeqshunr

  1. Thanks Bluey. If I'm not going SWAT, does my blaster have to match with the type of backpack? ...for example, if it is a "move along" pack, can it just be an E11 blaster, or does it need to be the extended rifle?
  2. Hey everyone, I have just gotten serious about my Trooping desires. I've been keeping an eye on the 501st since I was in middle school and now that I have a steady income, it is time to get building. My goal is a TD suit by May 2012 and make it MEPD deployable (Police Officer, only)...I'm getting married in November so that is putting a strain on my wallet and time at the moment. I'm looking to join up with the Carolina Garrison as soon as possible and have made a few connections there already. It is great to see all of the helpful advice on the forum and I'm sure I will have a lot of questions to get started. Maybe the first is: what can I start working on now? ... what are the cheaper investments I can make while I bide my time waiting to order the armor? ...backpack? boots? gloves? Glad to be among friends! -Jim
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