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Posts posted by Arch27

  1. Woodchuck here. I will start this short run in March sometime, LOL. I do not need

    a minimum number of buyers, I'll build whatever is confirmed when I am ready to start the run.

    Yes once I start, i dedicate all my time, so it goes fast.

    Yes I ship the T-21 in two pieces, It comes apart as shown, just in front of the receiver

    cooling fins. All items are shipped unpainted.

    Sounds good.

    Put me down for one.

  2. Well Chuck - throw me down on the INTEREST list.

    A few questions for you:

    • How many do you have to have before you start production?
    • I noticed by the other thread that it moves along rather quickly (3 weeks from build to all shipped). Is that the norm or was that just the one time when things lined up right?
    • Do you ship it disassembled (barrel from main body) or whole?
  3. That is a truly beauitful piece of work there Chuck. If I didnt have one already I would take you up on this You doing the barrell too? That's the bit I found hardest to make to be honest because the slope shamfer from large to small pipe was really difficult to source in the UK.


    Here's a pic from the last run. Note the barrels in the background.

    Posted Image

    I hate to say it but I'll have to actually check with the wife on this one. It's a toss-up between this BFG, the Move Along pack or a whole lot of droid parts for my R5.

  4. I have an RT-MOD TK that has seen the wrath of an over zealous rivet gun.

    I'd rather fill the holes and just cover the flaws with dirt than repaint an ABS kit.

    I'm after an ab plate, knee (sniper) plate, and TD handplates. I contacted ATA about their availability since someone in that thread mentioned they got their TD from ATA.

    After that I'll be looking for a small Spanish pouch and a T-21.

  5. Hey all -

    I don't want to stir the pot, but this notice is at the top if the Trade area:

    DO NOT POST WANT TO BUY armor/helmet threads. Violations will be deleted.

    I see a few WTB armor pieces threads... and honestly, I'm looking for a few pieces myself but I didn't want to post what I'm looking for if it's in violation with this specific policy.

    What is the proper course of action?

  6. I want to start a TD Captain build.

    Odd how you and I are so alike.

    We're both in the same garrison, both are Tusken Raiders, and both looking to make TD Captains. :D

    I'm going for the Docking Bay 94 "Tuck & Roll" one.

    I bought a set of TK armor I intended to make into a HWT, but it needs a lot of TLC. It'd be easier for me to hide a lot of its flaws with dirt. The previous owner apparently REALLY liked his rivet gun... to the point that I now have about 30 holes in odd places that I have to fill. I intend on filling them, but I don't want to repaint everything.

    Chris - hit up Chazz for info on weathering. I hear he's a master :)

  7. Have you guys had any recent contact with doopydoos? I purchased a e-11 off them a couple of months ago and it arrived in about a week, plenty of contact by email (originally ordered pipe kit then upgraded via paypal).

    Anyway been trying to contact them to get a dlt-19 (currently out of stock) and there is no reply, wont pick up phone, respond to text or email :(

    Took me about 6 months to get the E-11 conversion kit if that tells you anything on how they are doing on reaction time. Sometimes e-mails came back fast (within the hour), sometimes it took weeks before I heard from them.

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