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Everything posted by xingshen

  1. Got to be a first! Looks good
  2. Very nice! I've got this model and it has some good detail. Great job!
  3. I've seen some of their Broomhandle Mauser's priced from $60 to 100 on eBay. I suppose it would depend on whether there is enough interest / commitment to keep the price down
  4. Howdy all, Found this posted over at FISD and thought some of you might like to check it out. Most of you probably know about Denix making non-functioning firearm replicas. On there website they have an area for request. The post is to see if we can get enough request to have them manufacture a Sterling copy. Maybe if they see enough interest they would do it. So, submit a request and lets see if we can make this happen! Thanks, Graham http://www.denix.es/...g=en&upLevel=52
  5. So, shouldn't there have been a 2 and 3? Then we could be at 5 !
  6. Good looking build Where you get the MG-15?
  7. We're on our way! http://lightyears.blogs.cnn.com/2011/09/15/tatooine-gives-first-direct-proof-of-2-sun-planet/?&hpt=hp_c2
  8. We're on our way! http://lightyears.blogs.cnn.com/2011/09/15/tatooine-gives-first-direct-proof-of-2-sun-planet/?&hpt=hp_c2
  9. Cool design! Thanks for posting Some really good ideas for ways to use it Like the T-shirt
  10. Well , a slip of the Dremel and here I am. Working on trimming my bucket when the Dremel took a hop. Scratched the area around one of the eyes. I've read about making an ABS paste and filling it in, but think it would look better with some dirt. I have never trooped before but think it would be a blast. There is a comic con happening next month where I hope to meet some of the locals and see what's going on. I have some current projects that are going to keep me from getting any armor until next year, so I'm just researching and planning. I have already found a ton of great info here. See you on the forums! Graham Go Dirty or Go Home
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