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Everything posted by slavefive

  1. ...I had the pleasure of being given the task to make a Field Pack for Diana (Short TRooper)...build took a little longer then expected due to the distance between the shop and home...JB did an amazing job making a smaller Radio Box for me to use along with our MDK pack parts... ...we did retain the normal sized tool box so that she could convert it into a storage container... ...I would have to say that this pack is approximately 20% smaller then mine...hopefully it will help her in her quest to become deplyed ...here are pics side by side with my current pack...
  2. ...dude you are the best!!!! Thank you again Lewis
  3. ...hehehe...we have the MDK pack filter master...still need to mold it...perhaps this weekend
  4. ...LoL...that is awesome dude!!... ...I was pooped from sat...I was totally bummed that we had to troop seperate days...would have been a blast to go around the park... ...I did 2 full laps!!!... Talk soon Lewis
  5. ...just me...I am always changing things ...I think I can make a better version now...plus I will have the more correct seed trays from our MDK project for the next one
  6. ...thank you so much everyone!!! ...already looking to upgrade my Desert Pack
  7. ...and I thought I worked fast!!!! ...great work and insance attention to detail...I am thankful that I can be included in this
  8. ...very cool ...still, I think it would be a nice touch...I was just checking on Mike's site and it does enchance the look...I will do that after this weekends troop...the suit is dialed in right now and I do not want to mess with it until mon Thanks again everyone Lewis
  9. ...LoL...thank you... ...we have little Ewoks that we force to make everything ...on the side closure...sure, I can...I did not know that it was a requirement for TD deployment... Laters Lewis
  10. ...thanks everyone!!! ...looking forward to a fun troop at LegoLand this weekend... Lewis
  11. FULL NAME: Lewis Ervoes 501st TD ID: 6768 LOG IN NAME: slavefive GARRISON: Southern California Garrison EMAIL: slavefive@cox.net ...respectfully requesting deployment...if there is anything else needed or that is in need of being addressed please advise Thank you Lewis
  12. ...for connecting them I went with zip-ties...seemed to work pretty good...very strong...plus I can snip them if I ever need to disassemble the pack...probably could have used small bolts... ...the rest of it I may have gone a tad overkill with the bolts etc... ...LoL...you got lucky on the trays...hoping that I can have our trays molded up so that I can fire off the vac-table ...hurry up and get your pack done!!!!
  13. ...LoL...totally meowzers trays...I went to PetSmart got a four for $20.00 then was at Target and saw some, which I thought would be better, they were only $8.00 for all 4!!! ...Thank you again everyone...hope to get deployed fairly soon...first troop will be at LegoLand in 2 weeks... Talk soon Lewis
  14. ...thanks everyone ...just fine tuning some of the suit...hope to have that ready within the next week... ...hope that my next few posts will be when I request deployment Talk soon Lewis
  15. ...I finally decided to make myself an MG34 and went ahead with the DLT-19 conversion...Wellington was very successful in his DLT-19 conversion so I figured why not ...the counter box is incorrect...it is much bigger then it is suppose to be (it is missing whatever the flat piece that sits above the box...LoL dunno the name of it)...I didnt have the ref image readily available and I went from memory...but still does the job... ...I can always fix it or try on my next conversion attempt...
  16. ...so after my friend Wellington finished his TD I got the bug again to start on my own TD project...went ahead and started my Backpack around 2 weeks ago...waiting for parts and the constant trips to HD/Lowes was brutal ...used a Vintage BoyScout Backpack Frame as a base...kitty litter trays...and a few pieces and parts that we had lying around the shop... ...I did take one liberty with the Cistern...I attached it so it was more secure...I know the angle is slightly off canter however I do not think that it takes away from the overall pack...
  17. ...just do some searches and see what people have done...hopefully it will help you gain some confidence to go for it ...the AB plate mod is easy...just take your time... ...on the pack there is a ton of research that has been handed down by the members (such as mike h) on this forum which should help in making your own pack...I finally decided to take a shot at making one...it has been fun...I will have around $150 in parts when finished... Good Luck!!! Lewis
  18. ...wowzers...I saw these on eBay a while back as well...he has labeled them as Re-Worked HyperFirm...well if he purchased a set and re-did them then that is totally cool... ...if he recasted them and is selling mutiple copies like his website states...that is some weak sauce...if anyone can find out who this dweeb is JLMK http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RUHAEm63ONU ...his youtube video...obviously he missed the part about us making our own version by taking measurements from an existing Simrad...plus we tend to add different pieces and parts to help differenitate our items from others...I would say that we could consider this blatent recasting...oh well...
  19. ...no worries...just glad we were in a position to help Talk soon Lewis
  20. ...I cannot believe that we missed this thread...and the dude lives in my hood!!!... ...JB and I have a started set of FX armor...if it will work he is more then welcome to it... Lewis
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