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Everything posted by brendan

  1. it is the first one i make. i watched Mike's movie so i had an idea of what to do. Luckily Terell gave me 2 sets of ears to work with. I know the ear in the screen looked somewhat accurate but for some reason i did not like it , i did not cut the curve properly...so i went to my other ear i had for that side and fitted it in...there is no real big gap in the front of the ear now like in the previous pic....... also i may go non sandy....i am not decided yet..i am waiting for stencils from mike for dave m and i still can move my brow quite down without reaching the edge of the cap... i guess it all depends how i end up feeling... It may end up being a Gary helmet too..... or a stop that ship.... i have to wait for paint season right now so i can t really tell what it will turn out to be...
  2. for those interested...i made a post similar to this at the FISD.
  3. cannot paint yet i can only paint outside so i have to wait for good weather...weeks away .....
  4. ATA kit. move along build....maybe
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