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iron ram

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Everything posted by iron ram

  1. Looks like a lot of fun Can't wait to do this some day Working hard to drop the weight so I can get in to armor only 120 lb to go and 40 behind me and hope to never see again That's assuming that a 5 foot 9 inch man at 250 can get into armor
  2. Who makes the helmet on the far left or the first one working from left to right It looks wider than the rest
  3. Train them young She may grow up to become a shadow trooper one day ( way to cute )
  4. George Lucas' movie empire is striking back in Britain's Supreme Court against a prop designer over the iconic stormtrooper helmets from the "Star Wars" films http://wavy.m0bl.net/r/d7btz
  5. Will it may not be a new remake But here is were you can get one http://www.hasbro.com/starwars/en_US/shop/details.cfm?guid=7E8B302A-5056-9000-6D25-5550DF92633D&product_id=27736&src=endeca
  6. how long should the overall length of the mag be or how much past the mag well should be seen
  7. Cool. Can't wait to experience that first brown box felling
  8. sweet hope mine turns out that good
  9. Not sure like I said I saw it on attack of the show And it's a new toy exspo so my guess is they are rereleasing it Someone needs some money at the toy plant
  10. i was watching G4s attack of the show they were at the new york toy exspo and i spotted this (you only got to see it for a tenth of a second ) had to rewind and paused use my iphone to take this pic it looks the same as my 1996 kenner e11 except a new paint job you read it hear first i hope http://i262.photobucket.com/albums/ii94/edgotbait/836b85d6.jpg
  11. Awesome can't wait till my first troop
  12. O well just a thought Did you use heat guns and if so how hot did it have to get to apply it
  13. Ps if you do use my idea and mass produce Send me a set (free) as payment
  14. I see them use a heat gun to shrink the wrap to fit But not sure how hot it has to be The danger maybe melting or distorting your armor If to hot May have to look into this deeper Could make someone a good side line $$$ I'm an idea man but most of the time I have no way of following threw on them (frustrating )
  15. Has anyone ever thought of wraping their armor you know Like they do cars with graffixs You could print up sand or blaster marks if you got tiered of it peel it off an redo or go all white Just a thought Sorry I tend to think out side the box
  16. They should I'm in the US so I'm not 100% sure
  17. Heck if anyone here can mill the holes and slots out I would send the tube to you Just name price As I would love to have a fully functional e11 ( Here kid hold this smile fir the camera !! did I take the bullets out ? ???).
  18. Took 7 weeks to get my stuff from doopy doo It's because the US is checking everything for bombs Since the toner cartridge bomb from Yemen
  19. Thought someone may like to make this http://cyberdrone.deviantart.com/art/Cubeecraft-Sandtrooper-177000126?q=meta%3Aall+boost%3Apopular+Cubee+sandtrooper&qo=7&catpath=&order=0&offset=7 part 1 http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2010/239/1/5/Cubee___Sandtrooper___1of2___by_CyberDrone.png part 2 http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2010/239/d/0/Cubee___Sandtrooper___2of2___by_CyberDrone.png
  20. well got all the parts i needed now is just a matter of getting the pipe drilled and slotted as long as i do not put a real barrel in it i should not need a FFL but i may get a real barrel anyways here are the links i used https://www.apexgunparts.com/product_info.php/cPath/83/products_id/1418 http://stenparts.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=2&products_id=14 https://www.apexgunparts.com/product_info.php/cPath/83/products_id/876
  21. I have the cash Looking for a email address or web site to get the pouches Leather only Thanks for the help
  22. http://www.foxflier.com/lewis/ It's a vacuum formed you trim and glue $140 Thinking about getting one Would like you thoughts on it
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