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Everything posted by Grit

  1. i assuming i can just comeback every hour
  2. nice we i sore the photo i wa like why is there a photo of a glue lid lol
  3. do you have any photos?
  4. use a glue that will weld the shin and the knee plate together probs the same glue you use for the entire billed
  5. Grit


    WOOOT! that is awesome never new i would be exsighted about an old radio just goes to show lol
  6. i got board and had an tun of elastic and it means i can where it all separate
  7. ESB he is way more of a bad A$$ in ESB
  8. http://www.flickr.com/photos/47873528@N03/sets/72157627881563342/ this is it s far i kinda shuld have goten a befor and after shot (i was gien this by a fred and have done some work on it) i replaced the grip with a pistol grip (it was of out of skail kids toy) also some face work on the drums made the scope from scratch an they used plaster so i chipped that of and replaced it with builders bog i know it is no 100% well even 1% accurate but the public wont know...
  9. http://www.flickr.com/photos/47873528@N03/sets/72157627757180367/ this is wat i did so i can where it all separate from each other for potential alternative costumes i hope it hellps
  10. i have my'n done in a medieval stile i will post piks later on
  11. so how much did they cost?
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