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Everything posted by Opfor

  1. NAME: Mike Greene 501ST ID: TD-4451 MEPD NAME: OPFOR GARRISON: Southeast
  2. Outstanding!!! You are tha man for the job! Glad you're back for another round.
  3. Friday night on the dance floor
  4. Did you get them boots in?
  5. Hey Pat, Looking good, I would say you are right on track. Is this acrylic? What color?
  6. Hey Rick, I was just thinking about that a few days ago, since you and quartermaster build a lot of packs. Might be something worth adding as you build since they are so cheap.
  7. Someone can jump in and correct me if I'm wrong but no one within my garrison mentioned it and I've never heard or seen where it was a requirement to be weathered to join the 501st. If I were you I would submit upon receiving the boots.
  8. Good luck, if you have questions the MEPD is the place to ask I just started in Nov and picked up my 501st TD# on 1 Jan of this year thanks to alot of the guys help and advice from this forum.
  9. Hey Thanks Jordan! Only 23 post and already deployed...man you didn't waste time
  10. The shoes definitely but you shouldn't need to weather or have any pouches to get into the 501st, just the basics. The other things you mentioned are more deployment requirements. The big thing is just get into the 501st....that's the way I did it. I'm just now weathering mine and came in on 1 Jan of this year.
  11. Wow, the AT-AT cannon was going to be my suggestion, that is one Powerful sounding sound. Yes, good luck on the hyperdye board. I've emailed and been watching his store for months. Sent several emails asking if or when any board would be available and have yet to receive a reply.
  12. Hey Pat, I finally listened to the other loop that you sent today..it is basically the 501st loop but on CRACK ! Someone sped it up and it now sounds like a bunch of cartoon characters. The 501st version is 10x clearer and better. They did add a few new soundbytes from the movie and the best part to me was when he said "Alright men load your weapons"
  13. Is that all thats keeping you from 501st?
  14. Was it you that still needed boots from Tkboots.com?
  15. Yes, it is definitely clearer and easier to understand.. This one is not bad and I think I might play them back to back.
  16. Thanks for posting Pat, this is actually a completely different one from the one on the 501st.
  17. Posted where? Don't remember seeing that out in the open?
  18. One of them is about 4 or 5 minutes longer than the other...believe the one on the 501st is the longer version.
  19. Hey Tommy, Once you are approved into the 501st you will gain access to the sandtrooper loop. The creator of the loop asked that it only be distributed to 501st members so they keep a pretty tight grip on that. Once you in, no problem on showing you how to find it. It actually last for 10-15 minutes and has all kinds of cool radio traffic as well as noises from your cooling pack coming on. Are you working on buidling a TD?
  20. Oh yes... I love the part "You got the gun Sarge"!
  21. Hey Guys, Glad you like it, definitely cant go wrong for only 17 bucks and some change. Yeah...just love hearing my Southern accent, lol. Sure Aaron....your pack will be in the mail tomorrow . Talk to Quartermaster on that, he did a sweet job on mine and I'm very happy with it.
  22. Thank you Sir! Glad I can finally start to give back to the folks who have helped me on here
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