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Everything posted by BlackWolf13

  1. We only learn by doing . I'm none too sure of my skills either, but I'm going to give it a shot. I just need to figure out how to re-size the 6" portion of the barrel template. The thing I printed out seems too big. I'll try to keep a visual diary of my work.
  2. Found the tutorial- http://empireprops.freeservers.com/mg34break.html Time to get going on this. Wish me luck!
  3. Valid point. One thing I want to do, though I may be jumping the gun here (no pun intended) is rig up my pack so it's like the pack from the POTJ Sandtrooper figure. The one where the magazine of the E-11 can be pushed into a slot on the mortar launcher. No idea who I'd do this though. I'm pretty sure even if I can manage it, I won't be able to reach the gun once it's on there & I'm in full gear.
  4. Yeah, I remember my folks having those Tupperware containers. If they're the ones I'm thinking of, the top had a little plunger type thing you press down on when replacing the lid to ensure a tight fit. I may have to go raid their cupboards or garage to see if they're still around. I'll post if there's more than one. This weekend, I'm going to start on my backpack. At least parts gathering anyway. That is unless the wife & kids decide otherwise, but I digress... I saw a picture someone posted of a brown canvas Boy Scout backpack they'd used the frame from to build their pack. I have that exact same pack. The question is- is it better to use an actual pack frame or build one from PVC? I've seen both. Is it a matter of personal taste or would there be a more practical reason for one over the other?
  5. Thanks. That's kind of what I thought. My plan is to build the hardware DLT-19 (MG-34). Partly because I think it's a **** cool looking gun and also because the other 2 Sandtroopers in the area already have the other 2 guns. I saw a tutorial for it somewhere. Just have to find it again, I thought I bookmarked it, but alas...
  6. I'd say it'd be encouraged, but that's just me. You would definitely have a person's undivided attention though. Seriously, to be considered a sandtrooper, does the BFG have to be canon or can it have the look of the SW Universe much like the Tank Assault / electrobinoculars or are you considered a Sandy with a lame-o gun?
  7. Thanks for all the feedback. I just wanted to see if it was even worth trying before I attempted it. I'll wait till I have my armor & everything else and see. One other question (mainly to satisfy my own curiosity)- Is it known what parts were used for the original packs back in '77 or has it been a scavenger hunt for items that look similar to those on the packs?
  8. That is bad @$$! I can only hope my pack looks half as good when I ge4t mine built.
  9. Even though my armor is still a ways off, I'm hoping to get started on a backpack & BFG in the near future. One thing I noticed: with most "real" backpacks they have a belt that fastens around the waist thus letting the hips carry most of the weight and letting the shoulder straps hold the pack in a vertical postion. Is there a way to do this with stormtrooper armor? Of all the backpacks I've seen, I don't recall seeing a setup like this. Is this because there's no way to do it without compromising the SW-iness of the armor or has it just not been thought of? I'd like to do something like that with my armor & backpack but not at the expense of the armor's integrity. Granted, accuracy & comfort should go hand in armored hand, but the screen accuracy should come first.
  10. The mustard thing threw me. I'd actually heard of that method before I'd seen that tutorial. One of my sandtrooper buddies was working on his binoculars and I saw him smearing it with mustard. I was skeptical at first, but when I saw the finished product I was very impressed. It's one of those ideas that is so simple it borders on genius. One thing I want to try with my binocs is adding a couple lights to the view plate while keeping the electronics intact. Has anyone attempted this? I don't know much about electronics & wiring so I don't know if it's possible to wire in more stuff using the existing wiring. One last thing: Has there been a SW looking face plate decal made? I've been looking but have yet to find anything to replace the "real" one.
  11. I've searched some older threads and haven't found a tutorial or picture archive/gallery yet. Are there any? I have a Radica Tank game I bought about 5 years ago with the express purpose of converting to electrobinoculars. Now that I'm close to having armor, it's time to get serious. Any help would be appreciated.
  12. Thanks! Getting trooper armor has been a dream of mine for nearly 30 years. I remember thinking the stormtroopers were cool, but the sandtroopers were a whole new level of cool.
  13. Just wanted to stop by & say hi. I'm hoping to have my armor by June or July (with the wife's blessing, I might add) and hope to spend a lot of time around here. I've been digging thru various threads doing a little research just to get an idea of what I want to do once I have my armor. A couple friends in my local Fan Force group are sandtroopers. I'm hoping to be able to look to them for guidance on a local level. From what I've seen from looking around herre, this site will be indespensible in my quest to become a sandtrooper. I have one question which might be a touchy one: Is there a thread anywhere around here listing sellers to avoid and sellers to patronize? I'd like to get the opinion of those who've gone before. Thanks!!!
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