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Everything posted by FryGuy

  1. Kids nothin! I love it! Also, the radio opens up and I have a small amp in there that plays the TD loop through the speaker. I can have it set up so the plasma light only comes on when the radio it "transmitting" or I can leave it on full time. It's a real cool effect!
  2. Here is the radio and some other parts. I have 2 versions of the radio. The first is with the dial on the right, which is removable and allows me to put the plasma light in its place. I added some details to the side of the radio that I thought were interesting. The last few are of it on the seed tray next to the cistern (the only part I have had to buy so far!) I know it is not cannon, and I don't intend it to be. I am going for the "Mostly Cannon" pack with the "feel" of the screen-used packs. The frame is an old aluminum one from a pack I found in the garage. Building the top tray now.
  3. That's why they call it a "Wet"suit! Seriously, though- I don't see how it would be any harder than in a 2 piece. Don't you still need to remove most of your armor to go? Asking, because I have only used a 1 piece and never watched anyone else when they go into the bathroom.
  4. My vote is for 2 different forces. A small, regular garrison already stationed on planet, and a supplemental force sent from the destroyer.
  5. Thanks to Valder for my new Avatar! (Yes...that is Imperial Stout in there of course!)
  6. Cool...Just shoot me a pm or email anytime.
  7. Looks good so far! Multiple "earthy" colors on multiple layers would be a good effect, and I would leave a lille "haze" on some of the shiny areas. Of course, it comes down to personal preference. Also- just a side note that I did: add something that stands out and is noticeable to you that nobody else has so you can recognize yourself in pictures. Mine is the weathering pattern on my pauldron.
  8. You mean the cap on the wet ones bottle, right?
  9. Time to get an account at "Her Universe!"
  10. That one wins. You don't even need to race!
  11. FryGuy


    Welcome to the MEPD. Do it dirty!
  12. I got mine in today. Man...they seem WAY too small, but they are the same dimensions as listed in the above post. Not at all what I was expecting!
  13. More of a "just in case" thing. We have some outdoor troops throughout the Spring Special Olympics, Memorial Day parade, Airshow, SunFun Festivals, etc. Temps in April/May can be harsh here and those events don't have regular water stops. Mostly, though, I just think it would be cool to have.
  14. Doesn't matter... To my daughter, it is a girl in the suit. That's how she likes it! On a side note- why does this little boy have such a girly bedroom??
  15. Yeah...the bathroom thing is not an issue here in SC with our high temps and massive humidity. NOT having water is the problem. I am making it so it fits into the seed trays, but will be removable for indoor troops where water is available if needed. I have it all worked out in my head. I just need to make it real. Putting it inside your back armor, though, would keep you cool if you filled it with ice. Then you wouldn't even need to drink it...
  16. True That's my next project!
  17. I JUST bought a set of 6 on ebay for like 10 bucks including shipping. http://shop.ebay.com/?_from=R40&_trksid=p5197.m570.l1313&_nkw=tupperware+pudding+cups&_sacat=See-All-Categories
  18. I have several camelbacks sitting around the house. I am also in the middle of a pack build. That got me thinking, Why not combine the 2? Has anybody successfully done this yet? I will document my progress and post pics if it works. Heck I might even post them if it doesn't work so you know what NOT to do.
  19. Bike/football helmet padding
  20. I thought so. Rumor has it there are 12 on the 1st page alone in the TD members section. I checked it and it's true. Lots of drop boxes and ab buttons there. Not to mention all of the gray pauldrons and patches. http://www.501st.com/members/costumeroster.php?costumeID=2
  21. I was just following the thread on the 501st forum about this and was wondering if drop boxes and ab plates are allowed for TD's or are they strictly HWT?
  22. Add me to that list! My 7yo daughter LOVES Star Wars. Big Ahsoka and Ventress fan. Asked for the Imperial Walker for Christmas. Wears Lego Star Wars and Asaaj Ventress shirts to school, and puts the boys in their place because she knows more Star Wars than they do (plus, she's got that "My Dad is a Stormtrooper" thing going) That commercial is AWESOME!! And you can't tell me I am the only one who uses the force every time I walk up to Wal Mart doors!
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