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Everything posted by TD-4510

  1. DUTY!!! Salute may Sandy Brotha!
  2. YES!!!! YES!!! YEEEEESSSS!!! Thank you! Wooooooooooo Hooooooooo!!!!
  3. Thanks It would be more awesomer without the "q" LOL...
  4. I mispelled my new screen name it should be Trooperbay, not Trooperbayq. Can someone fix this? I cant.
  5. Awesome build!! I am watching with great anticipation!
  6. Sorry Marcus. We just had a misunderstanding. Please accept my apologies.
  7. Wow, these are so nice. Every detail looks like it was captured. Excellent!
  8. OK- NOT mine. Thats the other Mikes perhaps.. Mike Harrison made a few dials and white type years ago. Try PMing him or just google TD-1536 you will find his website.
  9. Sorry for any "tarnishing" Robert. I think what you are doing looks great and we definitely need these. I will probably buy some for my pack too! If the dial is MH's then I think your probably OK, although I dont want to speak for him. If you modify it that would be even better. If the dial is mine it will be obvious as my name is on it.
  10. OK I PM'd him so hopefully we will get it squared away. I thought I already had a TD spot on the 501st site. Guess I never bothered the first time I made a TD
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