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Everything posted by TD-4510

  1. Guys. For the most part ABS is a blueish white up against a painted set. Thats not so unusual. Hey, as long as its not fragile and can be painted who cares? Use the Krylon fusion, it works great! Its just a different shade of plastic. The only milky white armor I have ever seen was my RT-MOD from Canada. He used .093 thick ABS that was clearly different in color from the FX kits which use the blueish ABS from the US. I bet if I still had my RT, that my AP would be a blue'r shade too. No biggy. I can tell you this much, that pull on the AP faceplate looks really nice and tight. Send it here, I will take it. HEE HEE!!! Now if its too thin, I would definetely call him on it. My AP set isnt too thin. I would say its .060-.080 thickness. Some parts are thinner than others too. The higher the mold sets off the vac table, the thinner the pull. So Helmets and chest and back will be a little thinner. Also smaller parts, he uses thinner plastic, like hand guards and ears. On my AP the thinnest part was the face plate. It was very fragile. I ended up ruining it. When I asked AP to sell me another, he kept putting me off, saying that he would get back to me on the next run. I ended up buying a TE instead, and I am happy with it. That was an expensive mistake.
  2. I bet its the new PVC armor for $450.00. thin, say .020 ??? I got my AP about 5 months ago and its ABS. Pain in the **** to put together though. My RT MOD was very thick and all pretrimmed, ahhhhhhhh pretrimmed... The price we pay for accuracy. I do have to say that that AP looks like a nice TIGHT pull!
  3. You should talk to him, I bet you guys would hit it off.
  4. How about 50 payments over the next 4 years....
  5. Gino please PM me the cost..... The wife said how much are those? slobber....
  6. Wha? I do! they will be $29.98 Nice work though, Gino. You always have been the best.
  7. I am still looking for a decent mic and amp that will work. Seems like if they are loud enough they are too big. Small enough and they are weak. Speakers in the mic tips and they feed back. I refuse to carry my amp on the outside of my armor. I think that looks bad. Thats where TD's got it made. They can carry it in a pouch. Oh well the search continues! I would also like an amp that has that "loud speaker" effect that the ANH troopers have.
  8. Sorry it took so long! Here is mine, let me know if you need any more help with anything
  9. hair spray is just watered down clear lacquer, works great! I used to use it on my pastel drawings as well, to help seal the colors and keep the drawing from being smudged. Try it!
  10. Best of luck to you bro! Congrats!
  12. OK. I finished the helmet today, sweet:) Now I would like to see your pics of how you trimmed the back of the knees and calves on your armor. My armor is pinching me to death. Seriously I drew blood today. I started hacking away at the thighs and calves, but before I go any further... What did you guys do? I am 5'8" and I would like to see what other short guys did. Oh yeah, Its AP armor also. Please post pics, I would be very grateful! Thanks!
  13. Thanks everybody, now please see my thread on trimming the thighs and calves....
  14. Thanks! You know its funny, I freehanded the grin the first time but it looked handf painted. Now I see that its more screen accurate than taping and spraying. Oh, well I can repaint it by hand again, only this time a little better...
  15. Thanks guys. Does anyone have another to show. I need a close up please. Also any tips on masking the "curve" at the top of the mouth?
  16. Can I see some decent pics of your helmets mouth part? I am repainting mine this weekend and want to do it right. I think I painted in too much of the grin last time. Please post some good reference pics if you got em'. THANKS!
  17. I figured it out. I have to say that the rustoleum is an awesome gloss, but the area must be prepped and smooth as a baby's butt before you paint. If not it will look terrible. Also, the first coat looked the best. I would wait three days between coats otherwise it will krinkle up on you. Your prep is what the painted product will reflect, only the flaws will be worse. I also tried the Krylon Fusion and it goes on alot easier. The gloss is not as deep as the Rustoleum though. I ended up wet sanding with 600 grit paper after I painted and using a light rubbing compound to make it shine. Novus! it works!
  18. OK, I figured it out. I sanded and repainted with Krylon fusion and wet sanded again every part with 600 grit sand paper. Once everything was as smooth as glass I used Novus plastic polish(because its the closest thing I have to light rubbing compound) to buff it up. Looks bitchin'now. Every pass with the Novus looks even better. I may even wax it! Its not a high gloss, but it looks smooth like ABS and is a semi gloss like...the movie:) Phew!.....I will post pics once its all assembled. Panic over, thanks to everyone who responded. Oh yeah! Hey Tony I am glad your family is OK. That was a little too close eh? Glad to know you are doing well buddy!
  19. I may be wrong, but I had a terrible time with the rustoleum paint. I have painted many things with spray cans in my life and this stuff is ruining my $900.00 armor. Its not made for plastic. It is made for metal, wood and concrete. Doesnt say anything about plastic. I have tried spraying it light, sanding lightly, steel wool, primer. I have applied second coats within the specified time or waited 48 hours as the can says. Made sure the temp. was right. It still sucks. I had to put 6 coats of paint on my TE bucket to get it close to right. Its still not perfect, but thats OK. If I could get my AP armor to look as good as my helmet I would be OK with it. If you are going sandy, dont sweat it, it wont matter. Just adds to the look. But if you are going death star glossy BE AFRAID, BE VERY AFRAID! The only advice I can give here is DO NOT SAND your helmet. make sure its clean and grease free. also make sure that the temp is room temp. Not too cold or too hot. The rustoleum paint is picky and I am going to call them on Monday and find out what I am doing wrong. I have never had such a hard time with spray paint.
  20. Well,...I painted my TE helmet. I wanted the armor to match. I also noticed that when I painted my clone trooper armor that it was much more quiet when walking around. Less trash can sounding LOL. So I decided to paint the AP as well. Lastly, I made a few bonehead errors with the ABS glue and needed to "hide" my mistakes. If the paint would lay on nicely I'd be done by now, but this stuff is keeping me awake at night! Can someone help me?
  21. I think I will never use Rustoleum again.....Do not use this paint.....
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