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Everything posted by Tyranus

  1. Ddraig had explored many such caverns during his Zero-G training on the cold, dead moons of Bogden. It was close to Carida and offered a perfect environment for mastering the bulky Zero-G suits. Unclipping from the cable, he pulled his bucket off and knelt beside Danz. He pulled the glove off his right hand with his teeth as he grabbed the luminary from his belt with the left. It cast a dim glow across his friend’s bloody face. Ddraig slipped two fingers under the edge of the ribbed black neckseal feeling for signs of life. His fingertips felt the slow but rhythmic pulsing . . . Danz was alive. Slowly, he rolled Danz on to his back and brought the luminary closer to further inspect his friend. The right shoulder bell armor plating lay draped across the chest, lower than it should have been. Ddraig went to slip it back in place when he realized the arm beneath it was not where it belonged either. He moved the armor aside and could easily see that the arm had been pulled out of its socket. He moved the luminary, scanning the legs, which seemed to be all right. It was only then that he noticed the severed cable just below Danz’ holster. As he brought the luminary around for a better look, he noted that the cable had been sheared clean through and heat-sealed. The bottom edges of the holster just above it had been blown away. The bottom was all jagged and rough. He tried to pull the E-11 out, but it had been jammed down in tightly. He tugged harder, finally freeing it enough to slip it out slightly. The power was still on. It looked as if Danz had fired several shots through the bottom of the holster to sever the cable as he fell. “Ddraig, did you find him?” questioned Rogue through his helmet’s comm. He grabbed the bucket and keyed the chin switch, “Yeah, I have him. He’s a bit banged up, but he’s alive.” The little jawa shifted slightly behind the stone, trying to see, but also trying to keep herself concealed. “That’s good to hear. We’re sending Deckard down with a field medi-pack and a harness.” Ddraig shook his head and keyed the comm again, “Negative. That won’t work. His shoulder’s dislocated, we’re going to have to find another way to get him out of here.” On the bridge above, Rogue squeezed his eyes shut, trying to come up with an alternate idea. He turned to the rest of us, “Any ideas?” We all looked around at each other, then Etz spoke up, “We could do one of two things. We could rig a basket of some kind to the cable to lift him up in, or . . . we could go back to base and get the repulsor sled.” Rogue nodded. “OK. Let’s see if we have anything we can use for a basket. Topolev, go back and check the shuttle for a cargo crate lid or something along those lines.” “I’m on it” Topolev responded, and turned to head off the bridge back through the Jedi arena and starship wreckage toward the shuttle. “Falker, you and 4120 check around out in the cargo bay of the B’Omarr ship. Look at those crates General Kenobi had back at the training area. And has anyone seen Felth?!” Ddraig looked back over to Danz, as the injured trooper began to regain consciousness and stir. “Hurry up whatever you do, we need something to get him out of here. We need to reposition his shoulder and get some Bacta into the cuts on his head.” I clipped in to the cable as Rogue replied, “Deckard’s on his way down with the medi-pack and we’re trying to figure out something to use for a basket to haul him up. If we can’t find anything, we may need to bring the repulsor sled from back at base.” Ddraig shook his head. “Great. At least with the medi-pack we can make him comfortable and allow him to rest while we wait.” I nodded at 0600 and Rogue as they let out some slack on the cable and I stepped back off the edge of the bridge into the blackness. * * *
  2. Both of you PM me for the email address for the T-Tracks.
  3. “Rebel Base in Range”, came the announcement from one of the controllers behind him. With absolute calm, Tarkin casually replied, “You may fire when ready.” The controllers’ hands flew over their workstations, pressing buttons and changing the light in which their faces were bathed from green to red. Protocols were activated and being carried out at the other Superlaser unit locations to ready the station and its operators for a second blast of destructive power in less than a day. A small supply ship lifted clear of its landing bay and slipped away from the station until it disappeared in the glimmer of a hyperspace acceleration. Three TIE fighters moved closer to the lead X-wing as it screamed through the equatorial trench and headed for the thermal exhaust port. The young rebel in the cockpit was focusing on the voice of his mentor, feeling only the very fringes of the Force, and yet it felt warm and comforting like the twin suns of Tatooine, or the love from a Father he had never known. It would have to be enough. He sensed the convergence of many cosmic timelines, lives and careers, all in a single moment . . . a moment he was born to be in. Vader moved in a bit closer, trying to find the perfect, crippling shot that would allow his son to survive . . . and then his targeting scope locked on to a non-critical portion of a wing, “I have you now”. He fired. As the green energy beams flashed through the void of space and tracked closer to their intended target, his wingman flashed into an expanding fireball. Luke looked around to see what happened, only to discover one of the TIE’s had been destroyed. Vader snapped his head up from his scope “What!?” His wingman’s helmeted head swung around trying to locate the source of the blast, only to see the Millennium Falcon diving down on a collision course from above, “YAHOOO!” screamed the Corellian pilot into his open-channel comm. The sight of the Corellian ship bearing down on them caused him to overcompensate on his control stick, clipping the wing of Vader’s TIE, “Look out!”, he screamed, as he glanced off Vader’s ship and was obliterated along the canyon wall. Vader’s TIE was thrown clear of the trench, rolling away toward deep space with a badly damaged wing and Ion engine. Alarms sounded in his cockpit as the damaged ship limped away from the battle. Turning Luke would have to come later. “You’re all clear kid, now let’s blow this thing and go home!” Luke closed his eyes and wiped the sweat from his face, centering himself in the cockpit, feeling the Force, allowing it to guide him, to make him stronger. There was a loud rushing sound in his ears, like a powerful wind through trees. He opened his closed eyes, realizing that his torpedoes had been fired. Pulling back ******* the control stick, he and his X-wing climbed out of the trench just before it ended abruptly. The four remaining ships, two X-wings, a lone Y-wing and the Millennium Falcon broke away from the gravitational field of the station and streaked away as the proton torpedoes raced and tumbled down the shaft of the two-meter-wide exhaust port seeking out their target. Tarkin stood watching Yavins’ moon from the observation deck. Behind him, his Superlaser Fire Control Officer threw the last switch to fire on the Rebel base. There was a moment of silence where there should have been a blinding flash. The Fire Control Officer swiveled to check the reactor core monitor, which was flashing red and white as the deck beneath the command station began to rumble and shake. Tarkin turned and saw the monitor’s warning signal flashing as everything was instantly ripped apart on a molecular level and the energy released by the meltdown in the central core erupted through the skin of the Death Star in a Supernova explosion that mimicked the intensity of a real star. Shock waves were flung out into space, rippling away from the intense blast, slamming across Vader’s ship, rolling it over several times and shredding the one good remaining wing. He finally recovered and expertly maneuvered what remained of his TIE on a course for the relatively nearby Imperial base on Korriban. He carefully tucked the small vial of sand from Tatooine into the folds of his tunic, and tapped the hilt of Kenobi’s lightsaber, clipped beside his own. * * *
  4. Topolev raced out under the starry night sky, past a startled Felth fumbling with his holonet pack, and down the hillside, sliding on the loose sand and stone. He shot glances left and right as he slid the last few meters down the hill, making his way toward the moonlit shuttle below. The clanking of his footsteps echoed off the surrounding rocks of the canyon in the cool, still air as he bounded up the entry ramp. Tearing open a recessed gear locker in the bulkhead he pulled out a field medi-pak and headed back to the wreckage of the B’Omarr starship. From the stone of the bridge, Falker was on his knees with his infrared scanners, peering into the darkness. He couldn’t seem to get the angle needed to see straight down to the bridge below without risking going over the edge himself. Blade and 4120 were also sweeping the darkness for any possible sign, but were having similar difficulties. 0600 and Rogue continued to let out more cable as they lowered Ddraig further into the darkness below. Etz and I had our E-11s drawn and were on full alert against possible threats from any of the other unexplored portions of the caves as Ddraig’s boots finally touched down on the bottom. * * *
  5. I had Wookiee hair for a very short time, pulled back in a ponytail most of the time. Now it's very short! See:
  6. Sweet! Now, I was wondering if we could discuss an addition to your will . . . that's Jones, J-O-N-E-S.
  7. No worries! Thanks for joining the thread!
  8. Thanks...that's what I thought, as I have seen and bookmarked that chart before.
  9. I got my 34 Round mag from www.IMA-USA.com You can cut it down easily if you have a dremel and about 2 hours. Thanks for the info on the scope. I thought M19s were ANH accurate?
  10. Thanks for dropping by Harry. I'm having a blast so far. I really need to locate an authentic M19 scope for it though. I can't really mount the scope rail without it, and don't really want to go with resin when everything else is authentic. Anyone got a line on one, or know someone or a website who/that might? Thanks! It's Friday...we all gotta dance!
  11. I kind of like the second one too. And thanks! I'm really happy with how she's cleaning up so far.
  12. I gotta get me one of those!! VERY Cool !
  13. I'm thinking of making up a custom display plaque for this when I'm done from this site: http://www.romansempireproductions.com/ ... laques.htm and having it look something like one of these. What do you think?
  14. Thanks Tony...I'll check it out. Do you know if you can order them directly from MR??
  15. Looks FANTASTIC!! Where did you get your display stand?? It looks like a MR stand. I will need one for mine when it is done.
  16. Thanks for the link to the mounting tape. I'm not sure if I will use it or not, but it's nice to have the information. I will have to cross the Hengstler mounting bridge when I come to it.
  17. “Artoo, that stabilizer’s broken loose again. See if you can’t lock it down!” The little astromech opened a port in his dome and extended an arm to begin repairs as Luke Skywalker’s X-wing fighter raced through the trench of the Death Star. Biggs and Wedge followed behind in close formation to watch his back. He was running out of time . . . they all were. He adjusted his targeting computer to re-center it, compensating for the energy flux that would most definitely be surrounding the thermal exhaust port. Several green energy blasts sizzled by scorching the surface of the station as the Imperial fighters fought to lock on. The center TIE with the bent wings adjusted its attitude slightly and fired again hitting Wedge’s ship. The pilot from the crippled ship called out into his headset, “I’m hit. I can’t stay with you.” Skywalker replied, “Get clear Wedge, you can’t do any more good back there.” Wedge managed a response as he fought his controls to climb out of the trench, leaving only Biggs and Luke, “Sorry!” Moments before it occurred, Vader sensed one of his pilots unconsciously reacting, “Let him go! Stay on the Leader.” The dark Lord began to feel the ripples that Luke was making in the Force. He easily read the boys’ emotions . . . he felt the concern and worry for his wingmate, Biggs. He sensed the deep friendship there, and he moved in closer to exploit that friendship to his advantage. Biggs was getting concerned, as he was all alone covering Luke’s back, “Hurry, Luke, they're coming in much faster this time. I can't hold them! Hurry up, Luke! Wait!” Vader locked on and expertly squeezed his fire controls firing through the X-wing ahead of him as Biggs’ ship burst into streaming bits of flaming debris. As he passed through the cloud of flaming gases that was Biggs’ ship, he could feel anger rising in his son. “Good . . . good.” A control voice sounded over his comm, “Rebel Base thirty seconds and closing.” He noted the wingmen beside him and announced, “I’m on the leader.” He tried to get a lock on a non-critical portion of the X-wing ahead to cripple the fighter, but couldn’t seem to hold onto one, as the boy slid left and right. He can feel the Force strengthening the boy, and then the familiar tingle that accompanied Obi-Wan’s presence. He spoke in to his comm, “The Force is strong with this one . . . “ trailing off to continue his thought in his mind, “but Obi-Wan can no longer help him. Old Master, you have now doubled your failure. Soon my son will join me. After all your clever hiding and waiting, my son will still join me.” He fires on the ship, blowing a flaming hole through the dome of the astromech mounted behind the cockpit. Luke looked around and called out into his comm, “I’ve lost R2!” As he did so, Princess Leia, along with the rebel Commanders and Generals gathered in the map room on Yavin IV, heard the final warning, “The Death Star has cleared the planet. The Death Star has cleared the planet.” * * *
  18. Finally a small bit more to move us forward a step: The little Jawa backed away from the sound, moving to a safer position behind the large stone column. As she moved around it, she found herself stuck to fine strands of thread wound around the column. She pulled away and the threads pulled with her, sticking to her robes. Winding her hand around the webbed strands, she pulled away with a jerk, severing them. Sketto webs were common on Tatooine, especially in the cool shade of the cliff caves. Cautiously, she scanned the dim cavern above for any sign of the four-winged, blood-sucking reptomammals. Tatooine legend told that a swarm of Skettos could suck a sleeping Dewback dry overnight. She knew it wouldn’t take nearly that long to drain her little body. There didn’t appear to be any flying about, and the sound she heard was coming from the bridge above. Several small stones fell from the bridge, as she heard movements and a scraping sound . . . like a tied animal struggling to free itself. There was a muffled noise followed by a loud scrape as a shower of stones fell to the ground and a large sack of Sketto webbing, tangled up in many web filaments slipped off the edge of the bridge and fell toward the ground. The tangled webbing pulled hard against the powerful strands it was tangled in, and stopped its fall suspended several feet above the stone floor in a vertical attitude. The webbing moved and stretched from inside, and the frightened Jawa moved further behind the large stone. It was then that a leg pushed through the top of the tangle of strands and thrust out into the dim light. Turning her head to the side to get a better look around the stone, she saw that the leg was encased in white armor. This was no Sketto. Moving slowly out from behind the shattered column, she walked over to the undulating silky bundle. Reaching up to the webbing, she grabbed it and abruptly pulled it apart. Danz pushed his sweaty, upside-down face out the hole she had made into the air and drew in a deep breath, scaring the little Jawa, who instinctively jumped back and slipped on the loose stones, falling backward to the darkness of the floor. A black-gloved hand slipped out under Danz’ chin and pushed the webbing further away from his head, stretching the strong fibers up toward the ceiling of the enormous cavern until his chest armor was visible. He worked a shoulder through the opening and with his weight now over the opening, it pushed open wider as he squeezed through the narrow opening and fell to the hard rock below. He heard a muffled roar in his ears and although it was dark, he began to see an increasing white light as he slipped into unconsciousness. He felt the little Jawa kneel beside him and begin wiping the blood from his eyes on her robe. Neither heard the muffled voices of the other members of the 104th as they descended toward him on cables from out of the darkness above. * * *
  19. Thanks John! <!-- s:D --><!-- s:D --> I'm really pleased with the results so far. There are small areas that will require some steel wool and minor scraping, but for the most part it is clean and ready for filing and smoothing out the lumps in the re-welded metal.
  20. I worked on stripping the MANY layers of paint over the weekend. I started by removing the grip and trigger assembly, and then began dabbing the thick stripper on the painted areas. Here's a picture of the stripping agent used: And here are some pics of the Sterling as the chemicals were working on the paint. You can see it bubbling and rippling as it melts away from the metal: And here are a few pics of it after the stripper has been wiped away with a paper towel:
  21. Sounds interesting. Let me know what you find and how it works! Take pics of the packaging so we know what to look for.
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