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Everything posted by Quebectrooper

  1. So nobody makes a black canvas shoulder pouch with the small tool box. We have to dye or paint it. Rolf is that one dyed in your photo?
  2. Wow you'll be busy this year. What is ECCCCC?
  3. I just changed my mind and i'm gonna build this in 2011: yeah baby !
  4. No my Guatemalain friend , having both is the best way !!!!
  5. The Gul sound is 8 inches high. This Arrow is smaller :
  6. Gul sound sonic state ! Nice find.
  7. Paul at the Rose parade, i love that video. I'm going EIB soon with my AP/ATA TK suit and then i'll come here (with my AP helmet i won here haha) and my super mod FX kit and ask for deployment. My goal is to push the FX kit to the limit and make it more accurate. I like a good challenge. So far i enjoy building a TD more than a TK and we'll see if i'll get a more accurate TD armor after. Hey i'm jobless for another 5 months so i gotta keep busy. Paul any more photos of your FX kit ?
  8. So there was no way my wife would allow me to buy another armor to build a TD and i decided to live so i'm moding my old FX kit that was in my closet. Inaccurate FX ab plate (2 vertical lines besides the box): Installed a square TD plate with rivets and filled the middle section with fiberglass since the FX was not accurate. Also cut the long section under the 3 buttons: What you think ? I think i need to fill the rectangular hole in the box. It seems too big ?
  9. Exactly why its fun. If i just bought a faceplate i wouldn't be as happy as if i built one cause then i can say ''i made that''.
  10. Nice, i need to make one of those.
  11. Anyone have the exact dimensions of the faucet cover/bee stinger box ? Thanks.
  12. Yes my goal is to build my first TD by march. In 2010 i buit 4 TKs ( 2 for friends ). happy new year !
  13. Yep i'm taking my time and building pack # 2 right now. Its a lot of fun finding parts for $1-$2 here and there (last week i got the mushroom caps , 2 cannisters , a radar dish and a mortar tube for less than $10. My goal is to build an accurate pack for less than $100. I'll post pics when i'm done.
  14. Hi. What is the syphon/cistern lenght ? I noticed there's many sizes. Thanks.
  15. Anyone have close up images of that pack it seems it was a different radio ? Also if you can point me to the right links since i'm buiding that pack thank you. Pat
  16. Nice . That will make a nice souvenir for you. Merry x-mas.
  17. http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2507/4112727007_243b7c07ab.jpg
  18. Hi guys. Was it the Alice pack ? Metal, alum or plastic? I see most people use pvc pipes was that used in the movie? Thanks. Pat
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