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Everything posted by Quebectrooper

  1. Not accurate armors but fun video to watch:
  2. Thanks guys. If anyone wants copper elbows i sell them $15 a piece + shipping! Yeah baby.
  3. The top covers are plastic buttons with e-6000 glue . Why copper ? cause my grandma said so ! I was just walking around the hardware store and saw those wich are smaller than the pvc ones. I was gonna fill the little edges between the elbows and pvc tube with bondo to make it even but nahh too much work. I'd rather play chess online while sippin' on a coffee!
  4. Changed the top corners and found some buttons to cover the hole. Is this more accurate ?
  5. Scootch now you be a good boy today! Its also my hamster's birthday so happy birthday too.
  6. Yes John, half inch pvc. I'll post pics when its painted.
  7. Ya that's what i tought. I'll follow that route! Thanks Pandadude..
  8. Yeah PVC pipes. The copper elbows don't stick well even if i sanded the pipes and the interior of the elbows. I used E6000. Maybe i'll have to put small screws.
  9. wow its works and you're scaring me. Are you like a psychic or someting? i was born in 71 and will be 40 . Can you tell me if i'll be rich or regrow all my hair this year?
  10. Sorry to hear that Diana and sorry about the old title on my post. I don't have any kids and i act like a kid most of the time. Have a nice day and keep on Troopin'. Pat
  11. shuuuut don't tell anyone i did that :o
  12. its too funny to see how they put the suit together. Looks like the Rubies was made to fit a 10 year old kid.
  13. Thanks for the replies guys. Nice helmet Lou!
  14. Funny . Whatch this guy he's hilarious. He does many characters, all funny:
  15. Noel you look sexy in that suit !! (I'm married don't worry or don't get excited). Great photos i miss doing those events. Here i am last year at Montreal's Comic-con :
  16. So this is the AP helmet i got for free here a week ago. Fixed a couple of cracks, putting the right brow trim, ear screws and will paint the traps and frown by hand. My armor is painted and not so glossy and this helmet is very glossy. What should i do ? paint the whole helmet ? I don't feel like sanding it all but looks like i'll have to. I kinda like how it is but i don't think it'll match my armor.
  17. Come on you guys are supposed to be mean Sandtroopers ! Hey i understand how you feel but i only wanted to make you guys laugh ! Pat
  18. Ok a lot of people didn't like the other title ''My baby died ''so i changed it !
  19. I love my job because i get to kiss pretty chicks all over the world!!!
  20. I just went to wal mart and got some big buttons then sanded down the back and used e-6000 glue. Ohh and the buttons were pink !
  21. What does it look like. I just won a syphon for 1 english pound on ebay !
  22. http://web.mac.com/mikeharrison/mh_backpack_instructions/page1.html
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