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Everything posted by theGreatSot

  1. Good deal! The only thing that I need is an action shot to use as your deployment photo.
  2. Welcome to the MEPD TK-1842 and TD-8872! This link and the search function at the top of your screen should get you pointed in the right direction: MEPD Requirements
  3. Looking good! Two things that I see that are minor fix-its: you'll need to remove the sticker that's on the right side of your pack and you need green lenses in your helmet. Other than that, awesome work!
  4. Looking really good! I'd suggest working some dirt and grime into the cracks and crevices. It helps add to the realism and give it more of a lived in look.
  5. No problem Rob! Glad to add someone new to the ranks!
  6. Congratulations Rob! You are now Officially Deployed as an Officer of the Mos Eisley Police Department!
  7. Welcome to the MEPD! The sand dunes are calling your name!
  8. That pack looks great! I'm loving your tutorial, too!
  9. Congratulations to you and your wife Justus!
  10. I can't wait to see the new AM suits and helmets finished up! The changes look great so far!
  11. Unfortunately, that radio doesn't meet MEPD Deployment requirements, but it is an awesome find.
  12. Your weathering looks great Peter! The only modification that I would suggest is to re-rivet your canvas belt to the back side of the plastic belt.
  13. Sounds like fun. Wish I could join y'all!
  14. That is just too cool, Walt! I wish I had made it out to Fan Days... It was only about a half an hour from where I live. I would have loved to help support the cause!
  15. Gianphilo, I just stumbled upon your backpack thread, and I'm amazed! I hadn't realized that you had scratch built your pack! Beautiful work!
  16. Your AP kit looks spot on! Rocko already said it, but the sand dunes are calling your name!
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