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Posts posted by Vaj

  1. dont you think you can make 2 different looking recasts of one helmet? Recasting means you use silicon or latex for example!

    Look at the meatsock mold and compare, the similarity is big in my opinion. It is said that the meatsock is copied from a TE but thats another thing.

    Especially the tube views from the front is suspiciously.


  2. So Matts 1st screen used helmet was only a bad pull? One teeth on the right handed side is missing. On the second te helmet it is present.

    But whats with molds for prototypes?

    I dont want to believe that this molds are original. I dont believe it is!

    But we cannot say it only because of things others told us. Recasters know a cast of the inside of a Te helmet but that is only one helmet!

    Whatever you get a bad helmet with that mold and all helmets I have seen are sharper than this would be I think.

  3. hmm I have seen this never before and I am checking ebay everday in a crazy way ...Its easy to recast to faces yes, but they look different do they? Modified recast or real original molds? There were different molds used in ANH!

  4. It is interesting to know what Andrew Ainsworth can say about it. He should know if this is a fake. But if you ask him if his own helmets he is selling are screen accurate he would say yes?

    Is Gino out there to clear it?


  5. the seller told me he got it from John Frost, who worked with SDS. So it should be an ANH although it does not look like it for me, but I never saw a real mold. So who knows. This molds were made by John Frost to meet the demand to that time. The seller got all the other armor parts also but lost them.

    Thats what the seller told me!


  6. good question with the backpacks. Very interesting!

    Another thing about the lost rotj dual faceplate molds Matt is talking about is new to me. I never thought about where this molds could be. I just thought they have been destroyed. So is someone out there who is pulling with that molds or copies of them and we dont know? Or does it mean someone is not using them and only let them get dusty in the deepest cellar of his home? I hope you find the seller Matt


  7. Hi Mates,

    just thought I am asking if its possible to join the mepd as a german or at least the 501st in the us! The german garrison is boring

    I like it to stay here and discuss things with americans because you have real knowledge and are always helpfull in all questions. Thank you all for that on this way and especially you "weisser trooper" for beeing a real friend! So is there a chance of joining the people I like?

    What do you think?


  8. Hello mates,

    I just wanted to know about the different

    origin of these 2 different looking co2

    cannisters. Both are called as accurate arent


    Have there been different looking cannisters

    in the movies? Does anyone know something

    about it? On the 2nd it looks like the ear

    parts are used in combination??

    Posted Image

    Posted Image

  9. Its NOT a GF ! Its an MFX Helmet. Guidon made them a long time with the wrong cap back. His first "ANH" called helmets had a rotj cap back and a rotj face plate. Later he assembled an real anh face with the rotj dome. I dont know of the origin for sure. Its hard to say because it looks like he modified very much on his molds. The fact that he used different looking parts proves that he has not used an own original screen used armor. Thats what he was always telling! So you know what he did!

    The very smooth look of his helmets came from his thick 2.5 to 3.0mm uses ABS Plastic! I got two of his helmets. The first version which is total crap and the last one which is still out of to thick ABS but has accurate details, but its a little bit modified.

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