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Posts posted by Volumino

  1. Woahh... This is a real killer helmet.

    First I dind't like the old TM Helmet, in my eyes it hadn't the right proportions and TM wasn't able to get across the ANH Look of the Buckets and I always doubted that it would be possible to make an accurate ANH Helmet with his own molds but TM came a huge step closer to the high end helmet. He could put all those small details on the Faceplate, which the ROTJ Origin Helmets don't have. Hats off to this.

    And now you Rolf B):

    The paint job looks amazing, the paint is all smooth and the lines are all precisely painted.

    You have a good hand for this. It seems to me that you'll be the most accurate Sandtrooper on MEPD :D

    Carry on!

  2. Ok here it is all on my body. As you can see it still doesn't fit me like a glove but I gonna have to rework some parts of the strapping.

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    Would I be approved with all this stuff?

    Backpack and Pouches are coming

  3. I finally got it guys! :)

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    This is exactly the weathering I wanted ^^

    I taught myself a technique using only two acrylic colours and for me I think the result is pretty cool.

    I think I'll be ready with the complete weathering on Sunday but perhaps I'll have at least one try at the helmet (hmm, should I?)

    Well, What do you think? B)

  4. very nice Volumino best work !!!! :D

    I'm really glad you like it. :) Hope the rest turns out same as the breast plate but please guys don't hesitate, if you don't like it please say it because some criticism is always welcome, too. :lol:

  5. Hey there,

    Rolf, I only used Raw Umber and a little bit Burnt Umber. Hey the Sandtrooper Master thinks it looks cool B)

    But now I think the Breastplate looks cool enough but I suppose to leave the helmet cleaner cause that would be more movie accurate. I will have a try again with the helmet and this time I will wipe more the colour to get this errrr "wiped" effect :lol::P

  6. Hey Guys, I wasn't really happy about the weathering. So this is my second try. :rolleyes:

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    I think it looks better than the one yesterday but I still don't agree 100%. <_<

    Hey and thanks for your comments I always like to hear that :):D^^

  7. I've put everything together that was laying around here :D

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    It's not much but I hope it's enough for a good start.

    I am expecting the crash mann parts: Ordered and Paid Today

    Then I gonna have to put some colour on those boxes and hope it will look fine :lol:

    I will change the Detonator and I'll do a better Radio Faceplate, too.

    Keeping you informed about my process.

  8. The Boy Scout frames are hollow and easy to bend by hand, using a heavy rubber mallet. You have to be careful though, too much bend and a "fold" or "crease" will develop. To overcome that, some folks in my garrison have filled them with sand, then bent them.

    Thanks for this good advise, I'm using a 15mm pipe which is 1,5mm thick. Hope It will work :lol:

    I gonna post the result :)

  9. Hey there, I am also making a frame out of some aluminium pipes. I've already the right pipes here but I got one problem. I want to bend the pipe to the right degree but I don't know how to bend aluminium? I guess there are special machines you have to use?? :blink:

    Salute! Kevin S.

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